Went to town in it to get some munch with a mate, was going to put some fuel in but I came over all tight-arsed :D
Front wing off.
Front N/S door off
Bonnet off
Attacked the surface rust in the front wheel well and primed.

More to do tomorrow if I get time between domestic chores and gardening. Joy :/
recarpeted the back of mine in black as before it was blue and looked like a old classroom and stripped half the interior out and give it all a fresh respray, its got the mrs approval now even tho half the drive is covered in oil haha. next job, clean the drive
go flog your **** elsewhere will ya.this is a forum not a market stall.:mad:
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says he's been in business for 23 years and the website only had 3 products with some dodgy photos. must be doing well for himself.......
doesn't seem like hes been selling many anywhere, i mean he's averaged 1 new product line each 8 years. unless he sells shed loads of them which i doubt by his page then i think his write-up on there was a good load of .... well il let you finish the rest as i dont want to be added to the banned list tonight haha
doesn't seem like hes been selling many anywhere, i mean he's averaged 1 new product line each 8 years. unless he sells shed loads of them which i doubt by his page then i think his write-up on there was a good load of .... well il let you finish the rest as i dont want to be added to the banned list tonight haha

me neither,so i will just guess the rest.:D:D
In my defender the army put the front side lights and indicators in the wrong places, so me indicators are at the top and sidelights at the bottom and it should be the other way round.

I went to swap them back but thought better of it. If I fiddle something will break and they are working fine as is.

So I tidied the garage and get the compressor all sorted for when my dinitrol arrives :-D

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