
I might have got a bit carried away.

well done tilly.looks like you have nearly stripped it down,when you going to start the restoration.:bolt::behindsofa::D
well done tilly.looks like you have nearly stripped it down,when you going to start the restoration.:bolt::behindsofa::D

Painted most of the parts today, and cleaned the wings and arches ready to shultz. Also learnt how to panel beat and previous owner must have put her in a hedge!!!

There has been lots of rude words but enjoying the midst of my mid-life-crisis.
Painted most of the parts today, and cleaned the wings and arches ready to shultz. Also learnt how to panel beat and previous owner must have put her in a hedge!!!

There has been lots of rude words but enjoying the midst of my mid-life-crisis.

looks good,keep going with it and you will have a nice vehicle.;)
I've been trying to fix my doors today. I have the new bottoms fitted and it still closes \o/. What i need now is a new metal guide/channel support for the window to run in on vertical straight side when its whinding from down to up. I found the remains of it inside the door. Does anyone know what its called?
Changed the shocks and springs on my 90 and now it doesn't lean to one side anymore, cant believe how much mine used to lean into corners much better now.
finally got round to fitting my 300tdi disco engine in to my 90 was a 2.5 na. just to wirer it all up and pipes to sort and exhaust, plus sort out the power steering, then hope it all runs :rolleyes:
pity you dont live nearer to me,you could come and fit my nooo gauges for me,i know how to do them,thats the easy bit.physically it aint so easy.:eek::mad:

It would be my pleasure kind sir. I'd love to come and have a look at your projects, but I'm not over in the north west that often.

On another note, I ran mine out of diesel today. Just coming back from a Sunday drive with the fuel gauge needle about halfway down the yellow bit, it decided to give up. Fortunately I was just pulling onto a garage forecourt at the time and managed to use the starter motor to wind me up the slope to the pumps. The float sits in a slightly different position on my new sender unit compared to the old one, so it kids you that you've got a little more in the tank than is actually there. Being a TD5 it took a few goes to purge through and start, but once going it flew home.
Well after putting in new pinion oil seal on holiday(it went three miles from campsite)I pressure washed diff only to find vacuum pump was leaking so today followed guide on how to fix....job done!
Only took me four hours lol
cut out the drivers side sill.
lifted the carpet & Underfoam.

cried :(.

how do yu get the sill out from behind the A & B pillars?
Fitted new diff pinion oil seal to my 90 CSW. Researched it all on line beforehand; made sure I had the right new part and tools; it all worked! It's amazing how these wonderful vehicles can give you such a buzz from such simple things. I love my landy!

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