I drew the short straw and had to take the pile of damp old carpets to the tip, now my car stinks. And as I was going there I also had to take about 50 litres of old oil too, so the back is covered in that too. Brilliant. Why it wasnt taken in the series 3 which doesn't have carpet in it to fill with crap I don't know. Oh it was also full of tractor parts to degrease at work on my way past... but they were nice and clean on the way back so I cant complain there.
Also after getting quite frustrated with the squeaking from the engine bay I had to replace the alternator belt. Problemo solved.
I also have an antenna coming for the CB too. (dam ebay and my bank being linked so easily sometimes :L)
Oh I took a wire brush to the rear arches too... I need some more metal back there now :/