Today I was bored of thinking about all the standard boring stuff that needs to be done... - rear passenger door regulators, trailing links, front strut bearings, oil change, etc etc.

So I did this...

Other than getting the green one running right I had to change the rear door solenoid on the silver one which is easier said then done with dog guards and a parcel shelf :mad:
I have knackered my motor temporarily.
Glow plug tip broken of and currently residing in the combustion chamber.
Lying on top of the second left piston and giving me the bird.
Managed at last to get the sump guard off the td4 changed the turbo hose,left the sump guard off to change the plastic for ally and give it a service next weekend.

Managed to get the k series windscreen washers working must have been blocked somewhere where in runs in the wiring loom just changed for some new tube and a none return connector.So she’s back on the road next week in my father in laws hands.
Mostly just driving it: 300 miles Saturday picking up engine and various other bits and bobs and meeting up with old friends :)

I think I have a slow coolant leak somewhere - may be a weep from the inlet manifold gasket: needs a bit more investigation...
New wiper linkages, 2x new repeater bulbs, green T5 and T10 LED lights for the heater and instrument panel displays, green LED strip lights for front and rear foot-wells, red 'Das Boot' style LEDs for front and rear cabin lights. A productive (if slightly bling) afternoon.

EDIT: After dinner, started pondering the clock and its lack of illumination. Had a quick squiz in Haynes, and yup, it should have a lamp. Took the clock out, removed the lamp holder, unhooked the wires and removed the bulb. Cut a slot in the back of the holder for a spare T5, poked it though. Snipped the wires off the old bulb, poked one through each hole in the pcb to attach to the terminals, soldered them on. Bent the wires back into their grooves and replaced everything. Hey presto, we have a very bright illuminated clock. Missus mildly impressed, certainly bemused.
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I spent a year a bit back making the excuse "I'm 73 y'know" - got to my birthday and said "I'm 74 y'know" Kids corrected me - "no - you are now 73" - I had miscounted - Gota free year at '73 (;-))>
Noticed that the Boiiing/pranging type sound when making sharp turns is coming from what I think is the prop.

Is it recommended to take to a LR garage to ensure I get a OEM part? I've yet to change the 2 rear box oils which I should probably be tarred & feathered for.

No idea on the levels either but it's just lazy bone idolness.
Boiiing/pranging type sound when making sharp turns is coming from what I think is the prop
It could be the IRD failing. Draining the oil from it will prove that.
Is it recommended to take to a LR garage to ensure I get a OEM part? I've yet to change the 2 rear box oils which I should probably be tarred & feathered for

I don't know any good LR , specifically FL1 garages in Cornwall.
However as I do my own spanner work, I don't need to find one.
Noticed that the Boiiing/pranging type sound when making sharp turns is coming from what I think is the prop.

Are you sure that it is not the strut top bearing? Boiiing/pranging type sound is exactly what that sounds like.
Well I won't be contributing much to this thread for a while. Broke my ankle at the weekend so no fettling or repairs to be done for a while. At least the car can't break down for a few weeks. I'll be needing to bring forward the battery replacement that will soon be required though I think.
Well I won't be contributing much to this thread for a while. Broke my ankle at the weekend so no fettling or repairs to be done for a while. At least the car can't break down for a few weeks. I'll be needing to bring forward the battery replacement that will soon be required though I think.
Ouch, hope it heals quick.
Well I won't be contributing much to this thread for a while. Broke my ankle at the weekend so no fettling or repairs to be done for a while. At least the car can't break down for a few weeks. I'll be needing to bring forward the battery replacement that will soon be required though I think.
Get well soon mate
Fitted an aux socket in the centre console from a Nissan Almeria would you believe :eek: no messing with the wires ,just plugs straight in . And finally got hold of a surround for the single din sat nav and after a bit of alteration at the back , fits so much better . That's one rattle down and god knows how many more to find:D

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