What did you use to re blacken the exterior trim? In the past I've used autoglym bumper gell but it tends to run about if it rains. I've also used a sealant on my plastic trim called autobrite abyss from their hell shine range. However, I'm not sure if this restores back to colour or just protects it from going back to grey.

I've been told about the heat gun treatment,It'll be my next plan of action if this doesn't work!
I used Carplan Black Trim Wax, everything I had chance to use it on came up like new, It doesn't seem to be running as yet and its teeming down with rain.... we'll see in morning! I thought it was worth a try!:D
Carbon vinyl!
Well suffered a blown 90 deg turbo hose on Sunday. Fixed it up with some random gaffer I had around, knowing fair well it wouldnt hold up till wednesday night. Ordered a set of blues off DPH which should arrive tomorrow, but tonights job after I got home from work was re tape and wash off the bloody thing, and then attempt to get it back on. Grr.
MOT time today and am pleased to say it passed with just one advisory - Wipers not parking in correct position. Good to be able to walk under it and have a look as well, as I noticed I seem to have a small oil weep coming from the rear diff. I am guessing oil seal?
Finished the reblackening of all the grey faded plastics today, all the trial areas I did before all the heavy rain didn't run, so decided to carry on with it. See how it lasts before I try the heat gun treatment.

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