Got some oil and filter this afternoon, so went to give it a service this evening.
Grabbed my socket set, no ratchet! WTF have I done with that! Looked all round the garage, trying to think when I last used it. Eventually remembered, I lent it to my son, its in his Beemer
Oh well, I'll make sure I get it back tomorrow.
So with some time on my hands, thought I'd swap the wing mirrors over from the parts car as the cover's falling to bits on the passenger side and whistles when moving. So off with the inside cover to refamiliarise myself with the fixings - I replaced it a few years back when I was reversing the boat up the drive and took it out on a bush. Anyway - there's 2 posi, phillips, torx type screws. Gets my set of bits, miraculously, the first one I tried fits - there is a god.
So, rather than take current ones off first, thought it best to get the ones off the later parts car to make sure they fit OK. Inside cover off, loosen 2 screws and notice there's another screw further down. Wondering what that is for I forget about what I'm doing and reposition myself to look at this other screw and the posi, phillips, torx goes flying out the adaptor - in what direction I don't know but its landed in the long grass around the car "somewhere". Oh f**k, time for a coffee.
Very productive evening - not