Replaced the VCU and bearings (I was up to 45 seconds on the test, so, since I'd fitted a clutch, thought I might as well get this done). Back on the road OK and the slight VCU bearing noise is gone.
Don't forget to post the new vs the oil VCU times in the VCU torque test section above ;)
Don't forget to post the new vs the oil VCU times in the VCU torque test section above ;)

Yeah, gonna give the unit 100 miles or so of shimmy first to settle in, but I did do a quick test and it seemed to be in the mid 20 seconds.
Bought it a 15 amp fuse for the brake light circuit.
I blew the fuse yesterday when plugging in the trailer - got the 2 Amigo's - spent 30 minutes on here looking for the answer - checked fuse this morning .................... Bingo
Should be fixed when i go outside in 30 mins or so
I've not been getting 'Alerts' for this thread - just had a read back and I've been missing out on some good stuff. Well done LZ Freelanderers!

Shall be putting on quite a few Kms over the weekend including some pretty serious climbs, so treated the Freelander to an oil and filter change today.
maybe we should fill a container with dead Td4's and parts and sell it to our friends in NZ ??
Sounds like a good idea. Most Freelanders on the road (or should I say in the HGF or overheating workshops) here are V6 - so I'm sure I could use a container load of TD4 parts to repower them and sell on for a few $$$ profit. Would need someone to donate a palette each of new injectors, wiring looms, lift pumps and misc sensors though!
And L-Series, but they don't need as many spares :D
Just bung the WABCO ABS pumps in with the TD4 bits - they're always needed!

What I'd really love to do though is repower a Freelander with a Ingenium engine. That would be cool. Not so sure about exhaust gasses cleaned with urine, but I'd definitely appreciate 180HP and 60MPG.
It's strange why V6s suffer from so many HGFs in NZ. In the UK the V6 doesn't suffer so badly. HGF on the V6 isn't unknown but it's not super common. It can normally be attributed to some other cooling system fault first. I like the KV6 which is why I'm looking to install one in my MGF!!
It's strange why V6s suffer from so many HGFs in NZ. In the UK the V6 doesn't suffer so badly. HGF on the V6 isn't unknown but it's not super common. It can normally be attributed to some other cooling system fault first. I like the KV6 which is why I'm looking to install one in my MGF!!
Yeh, it may be a lack of knowledge and availability of decently priced parts here. People may get 'relatively minor' cooling issues that they never fix right and run the motors until it causes serious issues. It means you see a lot of high-spec cars that look in great condition - but crippled.
I'd love another V6. You don't see that many around here, and the ones you do see are pretty pricey which is odd for such a guzzler.
Having owned all versions of the Freelander, I can say that the V6 is definitely the best pick of the bunch for shear driving pleasure anyway. For cost of ownership, the V6 tops the lot too. Mostly due to the fuel economy, or lack of it!! The thing I don't understand is why the V6 commands such high prices when changing hands. Sure they are generally top spec but the thirst should keep prices low, but it doesn't appear to be the case. I always laugh when I see a V6 advertised as doing "over 30 Mpg" . This is complete rubbish as a V6 won't, in most hands, even do 20 Mpg. It is still by far the nicest Freelander to drive however. I would have another V6, if they weren't so ridiculously expensive to buy.
Yeh, it may be a lack of knowledge and availability of decently priced parts here. People may get 'relatively minor' cooling issues that they never fix right and run the motors until it causes serious issues. It means you see a lot of high-spec cars that look in great condition - but crippled.
You could always get a V6 to repair. It's a fun engine to work on and not particularly difficult, once it's out of the car.
Refitted the under tray today - its been off for ages. I've given up getting the outside bolts at the front on - the A Bar brackets just don't want to line up. I don't know if its the tray or the service - but its a lot quieter in the cabin now :)
I had to laugh! I went for my WoF today, in UK your MoT - failed due to my day light running lamps being on with the headlights - sigh. There was a switch whereby I can have them on or off, but no that wasn't good enough! Yes I wiped them off and got the said WoF. Hardly a road safety issue!

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