My two year-old struggles with the pressure washer so I’ll be cleaning my own 90.

Still, I used it for work and got a wave from the driver of an ex-MoD 110 travelling in the opposite direction.:cool:
Started taking the roof and van sides off this afternoon, all bolts out, wooden wedges gently tapped in round and about, silicon seal to windscreen frame cut, everything now loose.
Would have cracked on with it but had to go to a bloody picnic, Sitting around drinking wine and punch (55 % Rum) eating all sorts of rubbish. As said it's a rotton job but someon--------------- yada yada.
Anyway the doris can give me a hand in the morning to get it off and put into store. Have to get a bit of a wriggle on as we have to go out for a meal with the local hunt club lunchtime. Don't suppose I'll get much done after that, p1ssheads the lot of em.
As I am going back to work on Monday I was allowed to play in the garage today :)
I made my new dash.....:rolleyes:

And this is what it will look like.....;)

I am quite pleased with the result :D
Dang, :p:pcost me more than that for the CB I wrecked at billing last year when going through the culvert.... But then that was because the water came over the windscreen and into the was cold!!. LOL

The big screen in the middle was a freebie I got from a scrap car. It's hooked into the rear camera :)
For someone who hates technology in cars, I seem to have added a load recently :eek:
Spent an hour wiring up the dash, all switches are operating relays so I have used 7S 0.6mm2 cable back to the fuse/relay box :)
I have some 1.0mm2 coming for the power in and will bus out to each switch (I don't daisy chain lol) and I have put in two earth studs for a common ground.
All of the switch indicator leds are wired to these common earths (impedance <0.1ohm) on yellow 0.5mm2.
On Saturday I removed the corroded pistons from one of my front calipers ahead of replacing them.
Note to self for the future : when using compressed air to pop the first one out, get your fingers out of the way :)
The roof is off the "Shed" so thought I would share the joy.

Had a bit of a moment taking the rear door off, after taking off the wheel carrier I was just taking out all bolts exept the top hinge when the fecking door nearly fell off. It became obvious the top hinge had bust sometime in the past, wheel carrier was taking the load.
Anyway, I've had a replacement for this bit of capping in store for the last 5 or 6 years, bought cheap off a stall at a show. New old stock.
Finally managed to free off all the bolts to get the rear tub off. Made an executive decision to run a new loom on the outside of the chassis rail so just went mad with the snips.
The battery box will benefit from a bit of looking at, the chassis rails want some cutting and welding on the tops around the cross member, plus a few other small patches but no where near as bad as I had feared. Anyway, tomorrow exhaust off, dampers off, A frame off and start cleaning up ready for some real work. (I have no doubt once the cup brushes start chewing metal there will be twice the welding I thought there would be.
Really isn't as bad as it looks, I made nice music with most of it with a chipping hammer. Don't think it would have been too good in a few years time though.
At least the tub itself is good.
Thanks Frog Hopper. There are older patches and patches on patches, so this is the last chance for the original door. It's 34 years old, so I shouldn't complain.

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