Is 2 be hoped that she NEVER reads wot you say about her !:eek::eek: OR you may find that you have to sleep with 1 eye open !! :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Tooooo fekin late!! This is spooky.. as guess what's just happened !!! Every post and reply has been sent to email! And she's been quietly building up to this explosive moment that is coming!!! I've just been told .. if write one more thing about her she is going to post a certain picture of me.. in a compromising position with traffic cone!!
I was drunk!! But I would never live it down!!
She knows it's all on Good fun!! Or else she would have left ages ago!! But because she ain't there to look over my shoulder and laugh along with it , I'm in trouble... she has the password and login details ... so I apologise in advance.. I believe it will be appearing in a forum near you!! Sometime soon!!! Foooooook!!!! This is the first time I've been serious!! No fekin joke!!! She is as daft as me.. but brainey!!!!!
Looked at it sitting in the potato field..
Really stuck with what to do with my landy.. could sell it in Romania and maybe get a 1000 for it, but then I loose around 600 quid of upgrades if not more... I could make it road legal by getting some new headlights and a tail light for it, but then I have to pay for the brakes to be fixed as well... and I would have to try and get some Romanian insurance cause mine has been canceled... but thats another story.. Trying to find a lorry willing to take my car, 2 of us and 2 dogs back to the UK is also proving difficult.. and I doubt theres anyone willing to make that sort of trip..
rock and a hard place it seems :confused:
Quite frankly, I reckon your just going to have to bite the bullet.
Sadly you're just going to have to stand in that potato field and say to yourself, "It's just going to have to 'Remain-ya'"
As one who has done some upgrades of my own, 600 quid isn't a great deal. Just rescue whatever you can before you abandon it.
Looked at it sitting in the potato field..
Really stuck with what to do with my landy.. could sell it in Romania and maybe get a 1000 for it, but then I loose around 600 quid of upgrades if not more...

I would cut your losses mate and sell it to the gypsies!!! By the time you get insurance and it fixed it will out way what you would've gained on the good parts... and also getting home by shipping !! At a guess?? More than 2000 So your best option is walk away!!! Personally speaking that is!!!
So say goodbye is what I would do!!
If I wasn as busy at work .. I would have come over for it with the trailer!! Would Be like a mini holiday but unfortunately I would have to take her with me as well... don't know if I could put up with 2000 miles of moaning!!!!
Quite frankly, I reckon your just going to have to bite the bullet.
Sadly you're just going to have to stand in that potato field and say to yourself, "It's just going to have to 'Remain-ya'"
As one who has done some upgrades of my own, 600 quid isn't a great deal.
It was such a bad joke it made me laugh a little... thanks :rolleyes:

Have you forgotten how to quote peeps already???....LOL

If I wasn as busy at work .. I would have come over for it with the trailer!! Would Be like a mini holiday but unfortunately I would have to take her with me as well... don't know if I could put up with 2000 miles of moaning!!!!

Is this not how you got the D1 you are trying to get rid of??? ...:p:p

You'll get the hang of those quotes one day :p
Yeah maybe your right mate, I'll see what sorta prices I can get... but the fookin gypsies ain't having it :p
Alright maybe it ain't the money I spent on it, more the time, 2 weeks solid before I left, ACE system completely re installed with all parts blasted and painted and then all pipes replaced with hydraulic rubber.. and so on :confused:
Friend used to know someone who would go from the UK to Romania for 500 quid, but doubt we'd get something like that,
Appreciate the offer haha, in all fairness its a lovely place to take a holiday, and I probably ain't going anywhere for a couple weeks... and come on, how bad can she be :rolleyes:

Have you forgotten how to quote peeps already???....LOL

If I wasn as busy at work .. I would have come over for it with the trailer!! Would Be like a mini holiday but unfortunately I would have to take her with me as well... don't know if I could put up with 2000 miles of moaning!!!!

Is this not how you got the D1 you are trying to get rid of??? ...:p:p

I was nearly there!! It will sink in eventually lol
You'll get the hang of those quotes one day :p
Yeah maybe your right mate, I'll see what sorta prices I can get... but the fookin gypsies ain't having it :p
Alright maybe it ain't the money I spent on it, more the time, 2 weeks solid before I left, ACE system completely re installed with all parts blasted and painted and then all pipes replaced with hydraulic rubber.. and so on :confused:
Friend used to know someone who would go from the UK to Romania for 500 quid, but doubt we'd get something like that,
Appreciate the offer haha, in all fairness its a lovely place to take a holiday, and I probably ain't going anywhere for a couple weeks... and come on, how bad can she be :rolleyes:
She's just bit the post mans leg and she's chasing him up the street!!! Oh no!! She's stoped going after him. now she's just sniffing another dogs butt!!!
She makes canny Yorkshire puddings though!!!
You'll get the hang of those quotes one day :p
Yeah maybe your right mate, I'll see what sorta prices I can get... but the fookin gypsies ain't having it :p
Alright maybe it ain't the money I spent on it, more the time, 2 weeks solid before I left, ACE system completely re installed with all parts blasted and painted and then all pipes replaced with hydraulic rubber.. and so on :confused:
Friend used to know someone who would go from the UK to Romania for 500 quid, but doubt we'd get something like that,
Appreciate the offer haha, in all fairness its a lovely place to take a holiday, and I probably ain't going anywhere for a couple weeks... and come on, how bad can she be :rolleyes:
Devasted for you mate!!! All that hard work you put into the ACE system!! And you didn't even check ya brakes over!! ;)
She's just bit the post mans leg and she's chasing him up the street!!! Oh no!! She's stoped going after him. now she's just sniffing another dogs butt!!!
She makes canny Yorkshire puddings though!!!
Your going get yourself killed ya know.. lucky my dog is less hassle, some food and pets and she's happy :p

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