Got home relatively early so I took the off side wing off. It looked quite solid with the plastic mud shield in place :(


Oooo goody more welding :oops:
I figured that might be the case, so it may well be the easy out route if rocking it doesn't do the job. Found out what it's supposed to be, btw, it's an M6x20 flange head bolt (thank you google image search, resulted in this (, click on p/n #19 in the list to get the description!).

I was thinking about the fourth one down on the evilbay link, but the space between the base of the can and that turbo oil pipe is a bit narrow for it. However, I just found :D Oh, and D'OH for not finding it before I needed the damn thing, lol :rolleyes:

I just noticed this again. It wasn't am M6x20 flange headed bolt, it was an M6x25 flange headed bolt :eek: Blasted 20s are too short. Anyhow, problem was solved by Amazon of all places. Under a fiver for ten of 'em, overnight. That's a LOT cheaper than other (specialist L/R) places, and for more of 'em, so I now have spares ;)

Amazon product
I'm sorry, free from the who?!
I agree with @neilly, the EKA and other security information is (or should be) free of charge from any LR main dealer. I couldn't possibly comment on what your local Land Rover "specialist" might charge you.
In most cases, you just rock up at the main dealer clutching proof of ownership, the V5 usually and the just call it up on their desktop PC. Simples.
The Dealer ( Stealer)..

Ah, hadn't heard of them referred to like that before :D

I agree with @neilly, the EKA and other security information is (or should be) free of charge from any LR main dealer. I couldn't possibly comment on what your local Land Rover "specialist" might charge you.
In most cases, you just rock up at the main dealer clutching proof of ownership, the V5 usually and the just call it up on their desktop PC. Simples.

Given I was also quoted well over two and a half hundred quid for a replacement keyfob and programming from a main dealer not too far from here (who will remain nameless, in the event I actually have to use the place in the future!), I dare say this one charges for everything. I already have two keys, so no problem there anyhow. Well, I've got it (EKA code) now, so no worries.
Not bought another one :( and not done any welding or undersealing on the other one cos the snow is about three inches deep....
Still listing it on eBay later though :D
Nipped out, dumped a load of crap at the council tip - I mean "Recycling centre"! - then went to the storage to get something, and found the tailgate door playing silly wossits and not unlocking from the outside (lock mechanism's only a year old). Poss stuck latch, by this time lost the light, so I'll do that in the works shed after my shift tomorrow. Probably a GT-85 and hammer fix :)

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