
Active Member
Cut a "NEW" track through the bushes just up from the new winch challenge section (the other side of the water pit) so it comes out at the bottom of the tree bank.

Put some rubble in the stream of the winch challenge section. Hopefully more rubble will turn up next week so this track will be ready for the next session.

Started to re-build the 'tree bank' 1st lot of dirt dropped onto the bank this afternoon, another load or 2 will turn up tomorrow.
Another load added to the bank.

Put rubble into the new track before it becomes an unusable water pit!
Another load added to the bank, also started to fill in the bomb hole at the bottom of this bank.

Put rubble into the Snake Track pit.
More loads added to the tree bank

Rotten tree pushed over on the tree bank

Grading work on the ruts of the main route has started.

Started to fill in MINTY Bog (took over 3 hours to get my vehicle out of it yesterday)
Filled in the rut / hole as you come over the sleeper bridge.

Started to fill in the 2 big holes that appeared at the bottom of Mount Whaddon.

Walked into the MX field to check out if I could continue the new track I started in the bottom corner yesterday afternoon. I could not get near the corner, it's that wet and boggy!!! There is a pipe draining water from one of the MX banks, it's running like a couple of taps are on full bore. Doug reckons we will never get through there..... Is that a challenge or what?

The lorry has tipped another load up their today, unfortunately he didn't put it on Mount Whaddon. He is bringing his digger up their later in the week, he will finish taking the ruts out across the top so he can get his lorry to the far bank so it can be rebuilt.
Another late night, take a look at the bottom of Mount Whaddon now. all the mud pits have been filled in giving a better run at the hill. I've been up Mount Whaddon Three times today, I was going to video it but didn't think it was a good idea to go flat out in 2nd gear steering with one hand!

I'm looking to have a winch pit dug in front of the oak tree as you go up the hill, how deep should it be? 5 foot deep? Steep drop-in or gradual?
3 more loads added to Mount Whaddon

More rubble put into the stream of the winch challenge section

Rubble put into the Marsh crossing
Marsh crossing is passable from both directions

Bank by the telegraph pole has been re-shaped

Mount Whaddon re-shaped and side track improved

Rubble put into the bank leading up to the top waterhole & mud pit

New track is passable in direction to the muddy corner, if doing in reverse you like need pulling up the slope until ruts have been formed
Went across the marsh bog today, the ruts are that deep even my diff was dragging along the ground, so I put loads of bricks into the ruts.

Also went through the water pit at the top left of the site, loads of silt has settled in it, didn't think the truck was going to pull through it!
I got stuck in here during the last session: -

So put some bricks in the bog, just a few more bricks and I'm sure it will pull up the bank: -

The water splash is becoming over grown: -

So cut the branches back and tested the depth: -

Bottled out and reversed back out, might try it on Sunday, managed to drain some water out: -
Jamie & I cut through the thicket today to extend the track around "MUDDY CORNER"

If possible it will run from muddy corner right up to the water hole! (Depending if we can cross the marsh!)

It currently crosses the stream 3 times, we intend to make 5 or 6 entry / exit points (so crossing the stream 6 times)
The Muddy Corner bypass extension is now officially open, ahead of schedule.

A few of the entry points may require winching across the stream, I may put rubble into the stream once the crossings become un-drivable

It won't be long now before you can you will be-able to drive along the side of the field from the top water pit right down the the water crossing!
There is now 6 entry / exit's to the new track around muddy corner, i have put some bricks down into the first entry point as the mud and ruts are over 12 inches deep, water is still running down to the corner. Hope you are looking forward to trying out the track this Sunday!

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