
Active Member
I don't like to criticise a supplier but in this case I am making an exception.
This post is truthful, factual and not libelous.

John Craddock website advertised a swing away wheel carrier and clearly stated it was in stock.
I thought Craddock had been around long enough for it to be safe to purchase from them.
How wrong could I be?

I purchased the swing away wheel carrier on the 22nd Jan 2021.
(Payment taken on the 25th delayed so not as automated as one would think. A bad sign for a firm this large)
Can't afford to keep the online processes up to date and ticking over? In this current Covid situation, isn't this missing a trick?
All Landrover parts suppliers are saying they have never been so busy!

So, I wrote to them on the 23rd Jan asking for confirmation of a delivery date.
They replied mid afternoon with
Good Afternoon
I have taken a look into your order and it is still currently processing, we will update you when it has been dispatched with tracking.

Kind Regards,
Sales Department

Then I replied to ask for an approx date explaining I have a deadline to work to.
They replied also same afternoon
Good Afternoon
Thank you for your email, as your order was only place on Friday this is currently still processing through our picking system to check on stock levels for the item ordered.
We are working as quickly as possible and also processing orders as quickly as we can.
Unfortunately, I can not currently provide yourself with a estimated delivery date, as the order must complete picking first.
Thank you

Kind regards
Miss Tyler Crighton-Homer
Customer Service Supervisor

29th Jan I emailed to ask if they can tell me what's happening
2nd Feb emailed them again
3rd Feb emailed them again
3rd Feb I emailed one of their team directly via his email address as opposed to support, to see if that could work.
Still no reply.

My advice to anyone out there, do NOT buy from these guys because it is highly likely that something terrible has happened.
Maybe they are struck with Covid or something but this taking money and not delivering would imply something else.
Why can they reply one minute with a bull5h1t answer or two then nothing at all.

Someone is actually updating their online sales lists as they have removed the item I purchased.
If they have not got the item they should refund and apologise. Social media is littered with angry posts and reviews about them.

It is a pity but in my experience don't risk your hard earned cash with John Craddock.
Let me repeat, these are the facts and therefore not libelous.
I ordered some wheel bearings and seals plus locking washers and they did take 3 weeks to arrive
but as it was an ongoing project it didn’t concern me,
But I can see how it would **** you off if you where gagging for the parts to complete a job
I have used them many times over 40 years and found them usually very good,
I ordered some wheel bearings and seals plus locking washers and they did take 3 weeks to arrive
but as it was an ongoing project it didn’t concern me,
But I can see how it would **** you off if you where gagging for the parts to complete a job
I have used them many times over 40 years and found them usually very good,

It's a crying shame. I thought they'd be brilliant. I'm sure I have used them before without a problem.
Something has definitely gone wrong. Just had a reply (could be that I'm posting on social media about the issue) stating now that it's out of stock and due in within a few days. Sadly, there are loads of recent reviews saying that is one of their tactics.

I have asked for an immediate refund because it's supposed to be Britpart and I can get one of those delivered tomorrow.
They have basically taken my money for a stock item knowing damned well it isn't in stock and not knowing when it will be.

Damned shame really ;-(
They've always been a bit rubbish at getting stuff out, but that's a bit different from 'something terrible happening'. They've maybe got a few furloughed and maybe even some off in isolation.

But what I don't get is why you haven't picked up the 'phone and spoken to them.
They've always been a bit rubbish at getting stuff out, but that's a bit different from 'something terrible happening'. They've maybe got a few furloughed and maybe even some off in isolation.

But what I don't get is why you haven't picked up the 'phone and spoken to them.

I see where you are going but the phones are not working.
My beef, and a lot of others too on social media, is that they advertise stuff as in stock, take your money then after a lot of gnashing and wailing they admit they don't have it.
That is not what a good supplier should do.
You placed the order on the 22nd then start chasing them up on the 23rd FFS. As with every company in the world right now I would imagine they are struggling and spinning plates to make it through an international pandemic whilst keeping their business afloat with severe staff shortages. Last thing they need right now is a keyboard warrior of a customer who jumps onto a brand forum to slate them without even having picked up the phone to speak to them. Their own suppliers will be going through similar so everything is very much up in the air at the moment with them facing delayed updates of their own. Give your head a wobble and calm down.
You placed the order on the 22nd then start chasing them up on the 23rd FFS. As with every company in the world right now I would imagine they are struggling and spinning plates to make it through an international pandemic whilst keeping their business afloat with severe staff shortages. Last thing they need right now is a keyboard warrior of a customer who jumps onto a brand forum to slate them without even having picked up the phone to speak to them. Their own suppliers will be going through similar so everything is very much up in the air at the moment with them facing delayed updates of their own. Give your head a wobble and calm down.

Well speaking of keyboard warriors...... kettle and pot. I tried calling them but IF you did your homework instead leaping to conclusions and then using terms like 'ffs' and generally having a go, the phones are NOT working. I did not start chasing I asked for a delivery date. Something you normally get when something is IN STOCK. What I am trying to do is warn people that they are selling items they don't have and cannot give a date. They did NOT offer a date because they could not but sadly they chose NOT to tell me it was out of stock.

Plus when I checked social media, they are getting a slating for doing this frequently. Instead of having a go at me with your attitude you might do well to get your facts straight.

If you read your comment again it is you who needs to take a chill pill.
Tbh if I was craddocks you would get your money back asap, then you would be blocked from the site!
Times are shti everyone knows that, only an idiot expects everything to run smoothly.
People are dying left right and centre, and YOU think your parts are so important, if I was you I would be deleting stuff out of shame and clearing off.

If you are working to a deadline, maybe YOU need to sort your shti out and get organised.

Do bear in mind this is not facebook.
Agreed, about the money, but as many are saying they are not getting their money back.
"get your **** together " ;-) Like check it's stocked first of all. Like try to call them when no delivery date on theinvoice etc.
Done all that.

It's funny that others can supply ok. It's been going since 1970.
No phones, no warnings, no status

You have a great day eh.
Agreed, about the money, but as many are saying they are not getting their money back.
"get your **** together " ;-) Like check it's stocked first of all. Like try to call them when no delivery date on theinvoice etc.
Done all that.

It's funny that others can supply ok. It's been going since 1970.
No phones, no warnings, no status

You have a great day eh.

Were JC the cheapest by any chance?
If you care to read a lot of the threads you would see that on here we always have a great day, you have a great life eh.
Jeez is this a great day for you?
I hope it gets better coz you don't seem to be enjoying it ;)
Ha ha so you are just lonely ;)
You should have just said.

Last time I had a post from you was about a piece of steering I needed to remove.
You were really helpful that day.

I'm getting my coat now ;-)

Oh and thanks again for your help last time.
Ha ha so you are just lonely ;)
You should have just said.

Last time I had a post from you was about a piece of steering I needed to remove.
You were really helpful that day.

I'm getting my coat now ;-)

Oh and thanks again for your help last time.


It took this long to thank me? like I said get organised.
You really are lonely !
I hear Tinder is supposed to be good ;-)

No point trying to bait me, If you want to get my attention you have to click the reply button so i can see you have replied as you have done on previous posts, I literally do not care about many things in this world.

I notice
1, you keep coming back, yet you call me lonely
2, three times you have avoided the cheapest question, which in itself is the answer I expected
3, the fb comment went over your head
So were they the cheapest?

An argument a day keeps the docter away, I love arguing.

Anyway I thought you were leaving?

Sorry Lynall, you asked a question and I didn't answer.
Yes they were cheapest because I got organised and searched for prices.
Same item and manufacturer but allegedly £50 cheaper.

Then, cheapest should have nothing to do with saying "it's in stock", then claiming they cant give a delivery date because they are still processing teh order, when they really mena they've sold an item in stock when they actually dont have it.
They have really cocked things up by not delivering. I can order one today and have it tomorrow from a reliable supplier. £50 more and that's where I'm going next.
Sorry Lyanall forgot to hit the send button where I was answering the 'cheapest' question.
Anyway, why are you so aggressive? Sitting there trolling away ;-)
Sorry Lynall, you asked a question and I didn't answer.
Yes they were cheapest because I got organised and searched for prices.
Same item and manufacturer but allegedly £50 cheaper.

Then, cheapest should have nothing to do with saying "it's in stock", then claiming they cant give a delivery date because they are still processing teh order, when they really mena they've sold an item in stock when they actually dont have it.
They have really cocked things up by not delivering. I can order one today and have it tomorrow from a reliable supplier. £50 more and that's where I'm going next.

They can always be cheaper than anyone else if they have no stock, old sales tactic!

All the big suppliers are all the same, craddocks/island/jc (island used to be real good, but not used for ages) its how they do business, suck people in on the price, people want cheap, we all want cheap then we moan when the item is crap/late/missing/wrong.

Edit, i find you have to identify exactly what you want down to the part number and its many possibel variants, then do a little research, then buy from who you are happy with, weirdly that can be the ones who last time were utter crap.

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