Air support

Yes, that too.

I do not have any equipment apart from tools I already have, im trying to find out what are the basic/first things to buy tbh ill only be greenlaning locally around my area to start with and probably with a couple of other people, I can understand carrying loads of spares/tools for all occasions etc if I was doing more serious stuff or expeditions but I'm only starting doing gentle stuff
it depends on wot everyone else got.. if ya mate got full tool kit and recovery gear just let him lug the stuff about and use his.. thats why he bought it, so he can use it..

either rely on yr mates and if ya dont think they will be competent or have any gear, get yr own..

i carry my tools round most of the time anyway.. no garage, an r lass moans when i stack em all in the kitchen.. if i'm laning i got a bag with shackles and strops (lots of short ones more useful than one long one), axe and shovel, every one loves towing you out of difficulties, its just another thing to do with yr landy.

if yr on your own.... dont go laning!
What would you carry greenlaning ? How far away from your house are you going ? Do people travel light, what are the essentials ?

I carry most of that stuff all the time.... I got a dog guard that has things mounted on perminatly, well its not there at the mo as the interior is striped out for welding, and a couple of boxes for the other items. The only time things come out is if I am putting kids in the back two dicky seats.
Basic toolkit
essential spares (wheel bearings, seals, belts)
12v compressor
Waffle boards
Mobile phone so I can call Jai and Spyderman.
Most essential itmes to carry have been listed....

However I do wonder whether carrying all that kit tempts a person to attempt a lane or situation that they should not be driving in the first place?

Don't get me wrong... everyone makes mistakes... I have even got temporarily inconvenienced in the forward motion department myself once or twice! But I only got stuck alone on one occasion and that was because I was being stupid.

Consequently I think the list of phone numbers, and a healthy dose of caution are essential - along with a thick skin if you DO get caught out!
However I do wonder whether carrying all that kit tempts a person to attempt a lane or situation that they should not be driving in the first place?

With the right kit you reduce the risk of being in a situation for which you are ill prepared. My view, take everything, if you don't use it....Good. The day you leave it behind is the day you'll need it. Sods Law.
Recovery wise:
Another vehicle , Jack and base, couple waffle boards and a spade, tow rope few shackles and a couple bridle ropes should see you good for almost anything recovery wise.

Breakdown wise as per lists already.

Make life easier laning a decent saw and a machete and pair of gloves

If we are going off to wales for a few days then throw in a hi lift and a tirfor

get a good spade those fold down army ones will **** you off in 2 minutes if you have to start digging out a landy
essential spares
Shackles x 5
Waffle boards x 4
Mobile phone

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