Nope, work pays, but they look at the bigger picture, its a commercial, it tax deductable and thirdly (and the most important if you think about it) its worth purchasing rather than leasing as it will be worth far more than most other commercials after 5 years. IE Good on the asset sheet.

Plus the question was to do with the guy having the choice of a Puma engined over his TD5, I've driven the TD5 and to me I'd look at the whole package, and buy the new one. I was just responding to the question.
do you want to bring it greenlaing in oct there are a few of us going from worcester area
Keep your old one .We have one of the new defenders and it is causing us alot of hassel 3 new clutches, transfer gear box ,new ecu ,windows comming apart the list goes on.
We would like to know who else has had any problems with this ford engine i think someone on the enginering team was having an off day when they thought that this engine was going to solve all there problems
When the tax disc is £400 because of the smoke addmission
Thanks for the advice. I've decided to keep our 06 seems to be a good one, apart from the throttle response anomily which I've given up trying to sort out.
It doesn't leak water (into the vehicle) either! The dealer said that if it doesn't leak it must be faulty...

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