the exhaust 'shield' at the rear of the DPF has started rattling..looks like its been clamped around the exhaust .. maybe i can wrap some wire around it
What’s those strips with a hole-tooth-hole tooth like a band? You crimp them around at desired length then cut off excess, similar idea to what’s on a P38 hub cv boot?

Connected the nano up again and that fault has gone, so....dunno.
I've got another one now though which I didn't take a pic of, evaporator ground fault
You drop tested your battery lately (post winter). Could be phantoms?
A what now!?

well i can't put a new one on as its crimped from the factory.. to be honest i really dont see what its there for.. maybe it needs to 'fall off' completely
Heat shield? So you don't set the dry grass on fire? Remember the new mini car iirc doing that years ago. Twas on the telly.
It's an insulator to keep the heat in, stops the DPF cooling too quickly & therefore failing to regen. - As suggested, exhaust wrap (as I used to replace contaminated insulation on my exhaust crossover pipe) would be ideal for the job. There should be some insulation in there, if there isn't, then it's already broken up and drifted away.
It's an insulator to keep the heat in, stops the DPF cooling too quickly & therefore failing to regen. - As suggested, exhaust wrap (as I used to replace contaminated insulation on my exhaust crossover pipe) would be ideal for the job. There should be some insulation in there, if there isn't, then it's already broken up and drifted away.
Thanks! No insulation which is maybe why it rattles!! But no dpf either so maybe i don't care about it anymore
Its not too clear on his website. As yet he has not replied to enquiries about this.

The P38A is modular so each computer works separately. Most systems are the same across diesel and petrol with the exception of the EMS and the HEVAC on the GEMS and even then I think the way the HEVAC communicates with diagnostics is the same.
So the photo isn't of yours then? there's downstream EGT sensors in the photo which usually means DPF.
Anyway, if you don't have a DPF, then it's redundant and can be 'recycled'.
So the photo isn't of yours then? there's downstream EGT sensors in the photo which usually means DPF.
Anyway, if you don't have a DPF, then it's redundant and can be 'recycled'.
No it's one i found on the internet.. i have the dpf unit, it's just empty
It was easier than trying to get a photo under the car still have all the sensors plugged in but they don't do anything
The P38A is modular so each computer works separately. Most systems are the same across diesel and petrol with the exception of the EMS and the HEVAC on the GEMS and even then I think the way the HEVAC communicates with diagnostics is the same.
The HEVAC is different on the GEMS? Tell me more, I thought all HEVAC's in the P38 were the same apart from the aircon drive circuit and of course the manual no aircon version.
Correct, all HEVAC are the same except the compressor drive output.

Looked earlier today, and Storey's site seems to show all modules, except the Diesel & SRS. The videos show an earlier version with less ECU's.

The HEVAC is different on the GEMS? Tell me more, I thought all HEVAC's in the P38 were the same apart from the aircon drive circuit and of course the manual no aircon version.

That's the part that is different. As far as I am aware the rest is the same but I may be wrong. Marty knows a lot more about HEVAC as he's had a lot more apart.

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