Swore at him, but a P38 should be used to that.
Couldn't find a permanent live in any trailer socket wires, so connected the trickle socket across the tailgate release one. Seems to be working fine.
Then tried the fuel pressure again after checking the inertia switch (no movement there) and blow me but he's pressured the system.
So we either have a good pump and loose or corroded wires somewhere, or good wiring and an intermittent pump. Or possibly both.
I did this bloody job....
with part numbers šŸ‘
Changed rear right airspring, run out of time to do the left rear. Bit of a struggle to get the top mount free and more of a struggle to get the new spring up far enough to get the clip in then air pizzed out the airline connection when I'd finished. Jeez..they need a proper good shove in don't they!. Old spring looks well worn . 2001 p3
Changed rear right airspring, run out of time to do the left rear. Bit of a struggle to get the top mount free and more of a struggle to get the new spring up far enough to get the clip in then air pizzed out the airline connection when I'd finished. Jeez..they need a proper good shove in don't they!. Old spring looks well worn . 2001 p3
View attachment 299334
Otto's right rear was worse to do than the left. P38. I had to jack up the axle to get the pins in, thoroughly copper greased. Worth it, ride better and stays inflated now. Had no issues with the airline.

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