my brain just doesn't deal with waking up in the dark :( i have one of those sunrise alarm clocks but it doesn't help
When I worked underground in winter you’d be going down before sunrise and back up when it’s dark. Does make you little crazy after a while. Particularly when you realise that time is a social construct and your body doesn’t run on a 24hr cycle dependant on leap years and 365 1/4
When I worked underground in winter you’d be going down before sunrise and back up when it’s dark. Does make you little crazy after a while. Particularly when you realise that time is a social construct and your body doesn’t run on a 24hr cycle dependant on leap years and 365 1/4
I did the same. On day shift down pit at 6.00 am back out at 6.00pm Never saw daylight on that shift for a few months. Night shift sometimes was same. Went down anytime after 7.30pm come out about 6.00am to bed in dark and when really tired woke up when dark. It is mega weird going without sunlight
I don't like too much sleep either, my brain just doesn't deal with waking up in the dark :( i have one of those sunrise alarm clocks but it doesn't help

Might be worth trying half an hour or an hour earlier. You need to hit the right part of the sleep cycle. And of course that depends when you went ro bed (no caffeine after noon, cut out booze during the week and big light out at 9pm and no screens after 10pm). That's the theory. In practice I am up all night then struggle to get up and survive on so much coffee my heart is going like a death-metal gig by 5pm and by 8pm I have to hit the booze to come down by which time I hit my second wind and there's usually a late night film worth watching and it all starts again.
I intended to take the shaft off via the UJs leaving the connections on the diff/HB. I’ve got an extra big hammer and a road pin to give it one more go. Then will try spanners or possibly petrol disc cutter depending on my patience at the time.
I trust no specified bolts on my 38, the callipers were all different sizes as were the height sensors. I’m wary of touching the HB drum never been any good with drum brakes. If I continue to chop away much more I will have the lightest p38 in history. Was intending on picking up new-to-me wheels with road tyres next weekend but looks like plans have changed

I must have missed something. Why? The handbrake side is just the nuts and off it pops. Well, one end comes off the other doesn't inless the other one is already off. Probably the side on the diff comes off first.

The handbrake drum is dead easy. Slacken off the cable, undo screw and it pops off. Something like that. Nothing at all tricky anyway.
Might be worth trying half an hour or an hour earlier. You need to hit the right part of the sleep cycle. And of course that depends when you went ro bed (no caffeine after noon, cut out booze during the week and big light out at 9pm and no screens after 10pm). That's the theory. In practice I am up all night then struggle to get up and survive on so much coffee my heart is going like a death-metal gig by 5pm and by 8pm I have to hit the booze to come down by which time I hit my second wind and there's usually a late night film worth watching and it all starts again.
Hell will freeze over before i get up 2 hours before i need to go to work haha. I go to bed around 9.30 when i need to be up by 6 :eek: i still feel crap and yawn through the whole of the day :(
I must have missed something. Why? The handbrake side is just the nuts and off it pops. Well, one end comes off the other doesn't inless the other one is already off. Probably the side on the diff comes off first.

The handbrake drum is dead easy. Slacken off the cable, undo screw and it pops off. Something like that. Nothing at all tricky anyway.
Yes back is off. Maybe the increased prop angle from the lift and giant wheels doesn’t help. Itl be off this weekend one way or another. Worst case il borrow the van to pick up the wheels and try get his shaft off him too
HEVAC auto is a PITA I hate the fans suddenly changing speed, I want to be in charge LOL so mine are always on manual:)
Obviously something dodgy somewhere, it's usually ok, but every now and then it turns the fans off, sometimes only for a few seconds but sometimes for ages
I'm almost at the point where I'm going to wreck this thing. I know they're cash guzzlers but right now everything seems to not want to work. Which is a PITA because I need it to be able to pass its MOT in February and I don't want to buy another one because it may also need just as much spent on it and I will have to learn what problems it has. It's now getting too cold to be working on it out on the drive. The joys of not having a place with a bigger than average garage attached to it, or even a yard for that matter.......................
I think what I might have to do is buy a ridiculously cheap runaround (only a couple of hundred) for the winter and hold off until late winter early spring to do all this work. I cannot afford to pay someone to do it all, so it is what it is.
Enjoy your day folks.

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