Better with blades on and overriders. When parking it is impossible to see where front of bonnet is. ;)
Ah the old fashioned parking sensors :D
Tis a bbbiggggg bonnet, if I was driving it would not go anywhere parking is tight its too nice now to risk some numty dinging it in an NCP.
All in boxes awaiting rechroming , it's now a driving restoration.;) Can anyone recommend a firm who can carry out the work?

Used to be a good place in Preston but not sure it's still around think it was Lustre metallics down Bow lane. But as i said think it's gone. ;)
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Today, I wen't to my mates shop, sat in my wheel chair while he place my snow tyres on my spare wheels, then he dropped my coolant which was blue & replaced it with the correct coolant which was red. All bled and blasting hot air into the cab even though it's 5 degree's C outside.

Almost ready for winter.... Need neat screen wash and fit my new aero wiper blades.

Happy bunny, I then took her to my pal Shirley at Sponge Rob's and had her given a good wash.

Been a good day :)
Fitted 6 new glow plugs and replaced the old injector fuel leak off pipes may even treat it to a new fuel filter tomorrow..,.
Not so much today, but this week....

Finished moving the Suffix A and CSK bits from the farm, cleaned the dust off the LSE, did the throttle body gaskets on the P38, fitted the new baby seat and base into the P38 ready for the imminent arrival... took the 1990 Vogue SE for its MOT, tweaked the timing a little, then put it back in the garage..
What did I do on my RRC today ? Cut halfway through left index finger with hacksaw and had to bite wound together as hands covered in sikaflex whilst removing wing retainer bolt . And swore . A lot . And not cos of the hacksaw thing .

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