My stash is in the loft. As we know wives aren't allowed in lofts so Mrs Tricky would have to get a new man in for that job.
Truth is she would sell the house with it all left up there.
Tricky :(

I thought i built quite a big garage, should have been twice the size;) and the loft in there is boarded out, not much space left up there though. must weed it a bit and throw out the non LR or bike stuff:D

I thought i built quite a big garage, should have been twice the size;) and the loft in there is boarded out, not much space left up there though. must weed it a bit and throw out the non LR or bike stuff:D

What is it with us men and hoarding? I promised myself that I'd never be like my Dad. I even bought a house without a garage saying if I don't need stuff today it's gone. Unfortunately, I didn't think about the loft because I grew up in a flat..!! :confused:
I have a heart condition and Type 2 diabetes so I guess I've had it :D

No. The more conditions you have the more likely you are to have an adverse outcome but that could just be because people tend to have lots of conditions before they die. Obesity and hypertension seem to be big risk factors but even they only raise your risk a little. The massive factors are age and sex, probably because of the affect they have on immune function. Not that I want to downplay how nasty or deadly this virus can be but it needs to be kept in perspective.

I look at it like this: imagine a motorway with no cars. You can walk across it blindfolded and make it to the other side without incident. Now add some cars. 1 car a day and the risk of being hit is possible but minimal. Each risk factor adds cars until eventually the motorway is at capacity with all lanes full of cars doing 70 mph with a 2 second gap. At this stage your chances of surviving are minimal. Stay away from other people and there are less cars to hit you. Oh, and listen for the juggernauts.
What is it with us men and hoarding? I promised myself that I'd never be like my Dad. I even bought a house without a garage saying if I don't need stuff today it's gone. Unfortunately, I didn't think about the loft because I grew up in a flat..!! :confused:

My father had a shed full of stuff. I built and filled a shed. I now need to build another shed ...
I've been working from home pretty much since lockdown, social distancing, wearing a mask etc to minimise the risk. Hopefully we will all be fine and not even know we had it.
They tried in the nineties when they told us if you had sex you'd die of AIDS. Didn't work then and won't now, although I do wonder how the poor youngsters manage with lockdowns and so forth. No wonder they break the rules!

Aren't long term relationships allowed to get together now then?


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