Put in another 9 litres of screen wash (the fun time of year where I'm going trough it like it was going out of fashion), put on a rad shield to keep the cool air at bay (it overcools so this time of year I struggle to get the gauge out of the blue) and cleaned out some leaves that had accumulated in the wings near the doors, got some road tax. Turns out I cannot buy road tax online. Because my insurance expires on the 29th and I need road tax for the 01/11, DVLA is all "DENIED!" Kind of a pain in the arse.

Hahaha, you wish what? She will probably play red light bingo with you. Wimminz seem to avoid filling up at all costs.

If the stat is working and the viscous fan has not seized you should never need to blank the RAD:)
If the stat is working and the viscous fan has not seized you should never need to blank the RAD:)
I think it is the fan as it is a git to turn at all times. Unless it is normal for it to be stiff when cold?
I think it is the fan as it is a git to turn at all times. Unless it is normal for it to be stiff when cold?
Normally stiff until it has spun for a while, then frees off and slows right down until the rad heats up when the viscous will lock it up again. But I would still suspect the stat is stuck open.:)
Well, what did I do today? I put the spark plugs in and finished all the bits and pieces that need doing after major engine work. ie popped the serpentine belt on, fitted the radiator and the oil coolers plus the shroud and put the fan on. Took all day to finish off everything. At 4pm was ready with oil in, some antifreeze and with a watering can to top up the water switched on (position 2) and looked for fuel leaks the pressed the starter button, a few turns and she started held between 1500 and 2000 revs and after a short while she started to quite down. After 10 mins or so she is lovely. Very pleased, wife arrived made a fire (not the car) living room settled down with the dogs and a whisky. Big grin! :D
Herself mentioned the food mixer had broken and she wanted to make shortbread - so off to the shops for a new one plus Washer Fluid....

Ordered the Radiator for fitting next weekend!
ImageUploadedByTapatalk1351367629.577148.jpg today m1 at 80mph :)
And I don't mean I went to the chippie for tea. I mean I've just driven the Great Dorset Chippie Run laning trip. Don't let anyone ever tell you that these P38s are fragile, sensitive prima donnas, this one and Gordon's certainly showed up a couple of Defenders on some parts.
Looks like you've made a typo, you mean to say you at 70mph and you forgot to mention that you had someone with a camera in the seat behind you take a photo of your shoulder. You don't want to break the law after all. ;p

Speed limit plus 10% :) over size wheels means it over reads anyway :)
Speed limit plus 10% :) over size wheels means it over reads anyway :)
Ah, indicated 80, yes, that is fine. I had a car that used to be optimistic by about 7MPH. Took a year for me to work out why I had so many tail gaters though. xD

FYI, there is no such thing as limit + 10%. Some plod used that as a suggested rule, but as less and less people are getting caught, they are lowering the trigger point. Plod could say anything over limit is an infraction, but that is an easy way to lose public trust. We've come a long way from the early days of the trigger set at 60 in a 40 zone (what original Gatso's were set at).

And I don't mean I went to the chippie for tea. I mean I've just driven the Great Dorset Chippie Run laning trip. Don't let anyone ever tell you that these P38s are fragile, sensitive prima donnas, this one and Gordon's certainly showed up a couple of Defenders on some parts.
We require photos of this adventure. I did read somewhere that a stock P38 is better than a stock Defender. But the price of a P38 kinda puts people off taking one through the rough stuff.
Ah, indicated 80, yes, that is fine. I had a car that used to be optimistic by about 7MPH. Took a year for me to work out why I had so many tail gaters though. xD

FYI, there is no such thing as limit + 10%. Some plod used that as a suggested rule, but as less and less people are getting caught, they are lowering the trigger point. Plod could say anything over limit is an infraction, but that is an easy way to lose public trust. We've come a long way from the early days of the trigger set at 60 in a 40 zone (what original Gatso's were set at).

We require photos of this adventure. I did read somewhere that a stock P38 is better than a stock Defender. But the price of a P38 kinda puts people off taking one through the rough stuff.

Older vehicles are allowed plus or minus 10% at an indicated 30 mph newer ones are only allowed minus 10% at indicated 30 mph but nothing over. That is why speed cameras are set at 30 plus 10% plus 2 mph.
Older vehicles are allowed plus or minus 10% at an indicated 30 mph newer ones are only allowed minus 10% at indicated 30 mph but nothing over. That is why speed cameras are set at 30 plus 10% plus 2 mph.
You are only allowed to have an optimistic speedo. Any under reading is illegal. For quite blindingly obvious reasons.

According to Wiki, UK cars are allowed to read 10% plus 6.25mph above indicated speed but nothing under, which is a huge discrepancy. I remember reading the EU wanted to bring in strict 1% over and 0% under, but it was contested by various marquees as being too difficult to implement as even worn tyres could throw your speedo into illegal territory.
You are only allowed to have an optimistic speedo. Any under reading is illegal. For quite blindingly obvious reasons.

According to Wiki, UK cars are allowed to read 10% plus 6.25mph above indicated speed but nothing under, which is a huge discrepancy. I remember reading the EU wanted to bring in strict 1% over and 0% under, but it was contested by various marquees as being too difficult to implement as even worn tyres could throw your speedo into illegal territory.

Think that is what i said. Vehicles before i think 2001 can have speedos that can be at an indicated 30 mph be plus or minus 10% Vehicles after 2001 can be minus 10% true speed at an indicated 30 mph but cannot be over 30 mph true speed. The law was introduced by the EU in 1999 but not fully integrated until 2001. That is why speed cameras have the allowance built in to service the older standard.
Think that is what i said. Vehicles before i think 2001 can have speedos that can be at an indicated 30 mph be plus or minus 10% Vehicles after 2001 can be minus 10% true speed at an indicated 30 mph but cannot be over 30 mph true speed. The law was introduced by the EU in 1999 but not fully integrated until 2001. That is why speed cameras have the allowance built in to service the older standard.
The way you worded it made it sound like you was saying the speedo can be less than true speed not more.

To be honest I can't think of any vehicles that could reach the top end of the allowance. Other than Rover 25s and all Korean cars.

Speedometer Accuracy

Lord Allen of Abbeydale asked Her Majesty's Government:

  • Whether, in the light of the increasing importance of speed limits, they have any plans to make it easier for the private motorist to have his speedometer tested for accuracy.[HL839]

Lord Whitty: The Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1986, as amended, allows the use of speedometers that meet the requirements of EC Community Directive 75/443(97/39) or ECE Regulation 39. Both the EC Directive and the ECE Regulation lay down accuracy requirements to be applied at the time of vehicle approval for speedometers. These requirements are that the indicated speed must not be more than 10 per cent of the true speed plus 4 km/h. In production, however, a slightly different tolerance of 5 per cent plus 10 km/h is applied. The requirements are also that the indicated speed must never be less than the true speed.
A vehicle meeting these requirements would not be able to travel at a greater speed than that shown on the speedometer and a driver could not, therefore, inadvertently exceed speed restrictions. Her Majesty's Government have no plans to introduce instrument tests.
No bigger wheels make speedo under read. You would actually be going faster than indicated speed. Because they turn slower for a given speed.

whoops Few too many whiskey's last night - after driving obviously - not whilst...But yeah what Tony said. Larger wheels mean under reading
bloody Xtrail speedo was way out, at an indicated 50kmh it was actually doing a tad under 40Kmh.

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