It doesn't change anything at point of mix. So no retraining needed. No new set up at the asphalt plant, it is just open the bag and add to mix. Read the write up, or better still watch the vids. I first heard about them on TV , in a programme called Border Life. Thought it was a great idea then and still do

There are also many other good markets for bitumen, so hardship to the bitumen industry shouldn't be a factor.
Brilliant idea. I remember the M1 link road being concreted and tarmacked over because of the noise levels.. but plastic coated roads is an idea. Would they affect rubber tyres in any way?
Science time...o_O
Possibly not rolling up his trouser leg in the right company. Possibly just his publicity and marketing is not up to scratch.

Out of interest, how did you come to hear of him?
Marketing seems fine, he's getting work in Dubai! Might be a trouser leg thing, so all you Brothers and Sisters out there, spread the word.
If he had a product which was suitable for a charity project I'm helping on at the moment, I would've been in touch , as it's going to get it's 15minutes of fame once finished but we didn't need that type of surface.
There are also many other good markets for bitumen, so hardship to the bitumen industry shouldn't be a factor.
It doesn't do away with the bitumen, it just reduces it ( for now I expect) but as you say there are other uses for bitumen so it won't take a massive hit.
Would it increase static build up more so than just bitumen?
With most cars being the rolling version of a laptop...
took all the silly stickers of the tailgate de-badged it so can get new onews to fit correctly spaced unlike previous owner had then hopefully full on valet with brand new auto glym kit i got at xmas
full inside n out lookin forward to clay barring it also prior to
polish up
Would it increase static build up more so than just bitumen?
With most cars being the rolling version of a laptop...
No idea , but I would think they've had science gurus do that sort of thing. One of the vids on the site might answer it. I know the road they showed going down was somewhere in Scotland but can't remember where.

Going back to my own heartache. What's the deal with the L322 Hurricane. Are they the same wheel as the ones advertised for P38s? Or is there a width/styling/other difference?
No idea , but I would think they've had science gurus do that sort of thing. One of the vids on the site might answer it. I know the road they showed going down was somewhere in Scotland but can't remember where.

Going back to my own heartache. What's the deal with the L322 Hurricane. Are they the same wheel as the ones advertised for P38s? Or is there a width/styling/other difference?
Are you looking for new boots gold?;)
Article about it in todays paper. Apparently it is a huge problem all over the UK, due to the cold, wet winter and spring, and reduced roads budget, especially on local roads.
Cause of many injuries to cyclists, and large numbers of damaged cars, some of whose owners have claimed compo off the Agencies responsible.

Friend of a friend was out cycling the other weekend down here and went through a puddle that turned out to be a monster pothole. His bike frame snapped in 2 and he came off his bike splitting his top lip in 2 and smashing his nose flat. Had to call an ambulance and he spent several days in hospital.
The local authority here have a man driving around spraying white paint around potholes, by doing that they claim they are aware of the problem and its in the pipeline for repair do you cannot claim for damage/injury. A few years ago 4 people were killed when a car hit a pothole, left the road and hit a tree. The council had a repair gang out to fill the hole at two o clock in the morning.One lady could only be identified by a tattoo she had a few weeks earlier.The car disintegrated and she went down the road on her face at about 70 mph so there wasn't much left.
The local authority here have a man driving around spraying white paint around potholes, by doing that they claim they are aware of the problem and its in the pipeline for repair do you cannot claim for damage/injury. A few years ago 4 people were killed when a car hit a pothole, left the road and hit a tree. The council had a repair gang out to fill the hole at two o clock in the morning.One lady could only be identified by a tattoo she had a few weeks earlier.The car disintegrated and she went down the road on her face at about 70 mph so there wasn't much left.
Poor bugger's:(
Recently back in France after a trip to Blighty, I wasn't going to mention the pothole thing but as the thread has been going that way ______--------
There were a number of times I had real squeaky bum syndrome trying to avoid some of the worst potholes, just glad the old girl is built tough enough to stand it, but did worry for my wheels/steering.
Drove along one M'way in the midlands where the tramlining on the inside lane was so bad I was tempted to just sit it out in the center lane and sod the rest of you, but I didn't. And I never thought I would say this, I found it a huge relief to get onto a concrete paved M'way, yes it was noisy, but so much smoother, just for once I could relax and just enjoy the drive/scenery instead of being in top-gun mode gripping the wheel on the look out for problems etc.

Meanwhile, in other news got round to fixing my central locking problem, maybe related to the shake rattle and roll of pothole dodging. On the key all doors would unlock as normal but that was it, they wouldn't lock except by manually pushing down each door button in turn.
After a lot of thought (rare for me I know) I decided the problem was possibly in the master solenoid circuit, drivers door panel off, all contacts taken apart, cleaned, given a wipe of vaseline and so far so good. See how long that lasts.
Had some nice bits of wood kicking about so laminated some oak and walnut together and turned up a new knob for the gear stick and tranny box, quite chuffed how it turned out (ouch) so will post a piccy or two when varnish is done.
Marketing seems fine, he's getting work in Dubai! Might be a trouser leg thing, so all you Brothers and Sisters out there, spread the word.
If he had a product which was suitable for a charity project I'm helping on at the moment, I would've been in touch , as it's going to get it's 15minutes of fame once finished but we didn't need that type of surface.

It is also possible that the new stuff would have to undergo years of study and testing before it could be approved in a sufficiently watertight and bureaucratic way for use on UK roads.
The may take a more pragmatic approach to things in Dubai, or just be willing to spend more money.

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