cleaned and just sat and worked on getting suspension settings right!

Drove back from Englandshire and find I now need a wheel! The vibration, previously mentioned, was getting steadily worse, so nipped into kwik-fit. The front off-side (now on the rear) was so bad, there are more weights than rim! Conclusion is, a pot hole has buckled it slightly.
I swear there is a conspiracy, every bloody time I cross the border something happens.
Drove back from Englandshire and find I now need a wheel! The vibration, previously mentioned, was getting steadily worse, so nipped into kwik-fit. The front off-side (now on the rear) was so bad, there are more weights than rim! Conclusion is, a pot hole has buckled it slightly.
I swear there is a conspiracy, every bloody time I cross the border something happens.
Was the pot hole a home-grown or foreign one? When did the vibes start? Or the way own or the way back?
Was the pot hole a home-grown or foreign one? When did the vibes start? Or the way own or the way back?
No idea, there are bloody pot holes everywhere and whilst I do my best to avoid them on local roads , where I am doing under 30mph, it becomes more difficult on trunk roads, dual carriageway and motorways.
There was a slight vibration when she came back from last work done, hence having wheels balanced before trip south. What I do know is it wasnt like driving in a shaker maker on the way down ;)However, it has been getting gradually worse over the miles, to the point where, rather than come straight home and go to Kwik-fit tomorrow, I detoured to get her checked out.
If I knew where the 'buckle' happened I would be billing the relevant council but it's impossible to tell. It's not as if I hit an extra deep one and thought " oh bugger best get out and check". However, the roads are a state and this is the result, for many of us, no matter how careful we try to be.
No idea, there are bloody pot holes everywhere and whilst I do my best to avoid them on local roads , where I am doing under 30mph, it becomes more difficult on trunk roads, dual carriageway and motorways.
There was a slight vibration when she came back from last work done, hence having wheels balanced before trip south. What I do know is it wasnt like driving in a shaker maker on the way down ;)However, it has been getting gradually worse over the miles, to the point where, rather than come straight home and go to Kwik-fit tomorrow, I detoured to get her checked out.
If I knew where the 'buckle' happened I would be billing the relevant council but it's impossible to tell. It's not as if I hit an extra deep one and thought " oh bugger best get out and check". However, the roads are a state and this is the result, for many of us, no matter how careful we try to be.

Article about it in todays paper. Apparently it is a huge problem all over the UK, due to the cold, wet winter and spring, and reduced roads budget, especially on local roads.
Cause of many injuries to cyclists, and large numbers of damaged cars, some of whose owners have claimed compo off the Agencies responsible.
Article about it in todays paper. Apparently it is a huge problem all over the UK, due to the cold, wet winter and spring, and reduced roads budget, especially on local roads.
Cause of many injuries to cyclists, and large numbers of damaged cars, some of whose owners have claimed compo off the Agencies responsible.
There are works going on all over the place. The problem is it is going to end up a vicious circle, if they dont inject some extra cash into the roads now. No repairs , or temporary repairs, result in the same problem recurring, more people end up claiming from relevant authority, authority budget eaten into and their insurance goes up, as payments become larger and more frequent. Resulting in no money to facilitate repairs, so more people injured/vehicles damaged , authorities have to pay more........... and on and on and roads remain in sh1t state.
There are works going on all over the place. The problem is it is going to end up a vicious circle, if they dont inject some extra cash into the roads now. No repairs , or temporary repairs, result in the same problem recurring, more people end up claiming from relevant authority, authority budget eaten into and their insurance goes up, as payments become larger and more frequent. Resulting in no money to facilitate repairs, so more people injured/vehicles damaged , authorities have to pay more........... and on and on and roads remain in sh1t state.

Yes. And according to the article I read, more money is going into the motorways and trunk roads, where traffic is apparently declining from a few years ago, and less into the minor local roads, which are suffering extra loads as a result of the numerous large, fast moving, courier vans resulting from internet shopping, and the deliveries associated.
Yes. And according to the article I read, more money is going into the motorways and trunk roads, where traffic is apparently declining from a few years ago, and less into the minor local roads, which are suffering extra loads as a result of the numerous large, fast moving, courier vans resulting from internet shopping, and the deliveries associated.

If more local authorities started working with this guy, it could solve several issues at the same time:
Replaced my broken auto dimming rear view mirror, found a mirror from a 2004 R****Lt Clio, made by Donnelly as well, popped the screen hanger out and fitted mine into it and voilà! One replacement mirror:D
Isn't it just. So I wonder why all LAs aren't beating a path to his door , with central government hot on their heels?
Because.... They have to preserve the jobs of those who provide the original material for your naff roads....but retraining and an outlay from the government to kick start the plan would be a way forward:D
Isn't it just. So I wonder why all LAs aren't beating a path to his door , with central government hot on their heels?

Possibly not rolling up his trouser leg in the right company. Possibly just his publicity and marketing is not up to scratch.

Out of interest, how did you come to hear of him?
Possibly not rolling up his trouser leg in the right company. Possibly just his publicity and marketing is not up to scratch.

Out of interest, how did you come to hear of him?
Hmmm, Good question, come on gold, beans are for spilling, or the reg plate teddies are in for it:p
Because.... They have to preserve the jobs of those who provide the original material for your naff roads....but retraining and an outlay from the government to kick start the plan would be way forward:D
It doesn't change anything at point of mix. So no retraining needed. No new set up at the asphalt plant, it is just open the bag and add to mix. Read the write up, or better still watch the vids. I first heard about them on TV , in a programme called Border Life. Thought it was a great idea then and still do

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