Seeing as the pic is Goldie.jpg .....
Looks like a bit of cocker in there somewhere, looks like my sisters barley - When is Alan back, i need to check if that sounds wrong or not ?

Try laying her back in your arms like a baby, if she lets you and flops here front legs forward there is definitely cocker in there.
View attachment 140504

My mum had a cat called muff once, she inherited it and so didn't name it but it was always concerning at night time when she was calling it to come in ....
Im back,sounds good to me you carn't beat a bit of cocker. On the subject of dogs, I owned a Springer some years ago called Morse. She was so named because she had dot dot dash dot in brown on her white back. Anyone that has ever owned a Springer will know how appropriate that was. To those who don't know it's F in Morse
Nice one mate, I hope you had a good time , no white bits on you I bet.
There is only one dog nuttier that an F in Cocker and that’s an F in Springer :confused:o_O
oh well, change is as good as a rest and all that
I've got a week off this week and i am going to take a turbo off of a TD6 and then then the exhaust off of mine to weld it, just to mix it up a bit. Living the dream :)
Breathed a huge sigh of relief.:):):):)
Last week going to the pub the coolant level alarm light flickered on the dash, on the way back it came on bright and clear. Only 3/4 mile trip so just carried on to home.
Since then been ill with man flu so only got round to having a look today, expecting the worst, and being a VM very dependant on coolant levels.
Popped the cap, seemed OK, had a play with the terminals on the level gauge and one was loose, cleaned it up and closed it a bit with pliers to make a solid contact.
Hey presto, everything back to normal. Phew. While dossing on the sofa the last few days been thinking all sorts, split rad, head gasket, hoses etc.
Just goes to show, she does love me after all.:D:D
Typical female though, has to have the last word, the fecking under bonnet lights have packed up now.:(:(
Bought a CTEK MSX 7.0 charger because the elusive battery drain has not been resolved yet and the battery keeps getting dragged down too low.
Also bought the little "comfort Indicator" traffic-light gizmo that lets you see at a glance whether it needs charging or not. The leads on it (as standard) are too short so I spliced and additional length of marine DC 24V 18A cable into the line.
This will allow me to tuck the little traffic-light gizmo out of sight in the radiator grille vanes and when required pop it out, check the condition, and if required plug the charger directly onto the gizmo. What a neat idea!!

So, just because I can,,,,, I put it in recondition mode to do the whole sequence of stages to this battery.
I cannot believe how incredibly HOT (I mean REALLY H-O-T) the charger became after entering bulk charge phase. Its only 7A max and 14.4V but my goodness me.
Bought a CTEK MSX 7.0 charger because the elusive battery drain has not been resolved yet and the battery keeps getting dragged down too low.
Also bought the little "comfort Indicator" traffic-light gizmo that lets you see at a glance whether it needs charging or not. The leads on it (as standard) are too short so I spliced and additional length of marine DC 24V 18A cable into the line.
This will allow me to tuck the little traffic-light gizmo out of sight in the radiator grille vanes and when required pop it out, check the condition, and if required plug the charger directly onto the gizmo. What a neat idea!!

So, just because I can,,,,, I put it in recondition mode to do the whole sequence of stages to this battery.
I cannot believe how incredibly HOT (I mean REALLY H-O-T) the charger became after entering bulk charge phase. Its only 7A max and 14.4V but my goodness me.

I have a Ring something or other. 6/12/24V and 2/4/8/16A. Standard plug. Anything above 2A and a fan kicks in to cool the unit.
Link didn't work for me. I just went for Ring because I wanted a brand I could trust if I was leaving it unattended under my bonnet! I have to admit it wasn't cheap but it was near my birthday. :)
Jumped in her, turned the key and started the engine, before going for a nice drive to the beach. Have to admit, there was the lingering doubt, after all the battery issues, as to would she start having stood almost a week. Was so relieved when she started :)
Started to fit my tow bar and electrics got as far as removing one of the rear bumper bolts both seized solid the other is about a third out before it rounded off no amount of hammering other sockets on helped so will be welding a big bolt on it later in the week and giving that a try.
Drove her from Shrewsbury, to Pickering, to Richmond, then back to Pickering again. One or two miles on the clock, but she preformed like a champion, still pulls up Sutton Bank like it is nothing. She has been a little too reliable recently, it is making me nervous.
Hi Bix & All,

Sutton Bank, my neck of the woods..!! Respect for having the faith. Have you tried the assent of Garrowby Hill heading out East from York on the A166, it just keeps climbing and gets wide half way to let you attempt a suicidal overtake but The Beast delivers every time. You have to love that Supercharged V8.

As for the reliability question, we are sent into panic mode every time we hear the outside temperature warning ping, the kids immediately shout "Has the air ride failed again". I respond with "No panic it's only risk of black ice".....not good if your heading back down Garrowby Hill in the dark, there is an escape gravel trap though.

Off to bed now. Cheers, Tricky.

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