Used to get Danish passports at a Consulate that was in a Liverpool brewery (typical Danes) but now we needed a modern Biometric Passport! and you have to make an appointment at the Danish Embassey in London and appear in person (finger prints etc). Not too bad as Harrods round the corner (The Danes know where to position an Embassey) so got favourite coffee blend made up in one of the food halls. An underground to Selfriges and some nice cheese. Next day Portobello Road for the antiques and finish in Covent Garden for wine and music .... nice, also local pub (two minutes walk from my Nieces place) with corner open fire and four chairs rates 100% satisfaction. (and owning a P38 Range Rover).
Nice to be home though, open fires, dogs, fantastic sea views etc etc etc, it's the sunny Isle of Man at present. Next trip Skye.