What I did to my RR today?

I drove it like a boss :cool:

Air Con on freeze the nuts off, stereo on 26 (stock speakers are "HOLY SH!T" awesome) and foot down on way to/from work.

George is the best car I have ever owned in as much as she is immaculate and nothing needs upgrading.

I keep being told the colour is unusual and really suits her.

Range Rover, YEAH! :D

Yea I get days like that too.... you dont drive along you kinda just glide along on a wave
Where's you get the replacement from? Was it a big job?
Seller called burn51328 on a popular auction site.

Simple job. A few sockets, a decent Philips screwdriver, (I removed my grill)locking pliers, a 32mm fan spanner, a hammer, and some plasters.

Bang that spanner from left to right.
Domino yours is from right to left. Jakes is a diesel which goes other way. Fans ALWAYS undo in the direction of rotation.
Towed the tin tent home from holidays today. 60mph up hill and down dale. Had it 10 years and still superb. Battery is 11 years old and still going strong.
1999 4.6HSE.

What I did to my Rage Rover, George....?

Nothing! Haven't driven her for a week :(

Last Saturday, I towed my caravan, Mildred, to the works yard and spent an hour with the jet wash removing all the crud from the roof to the skirts (bonus being I'm a boom pilot IPAF, so I used a Star 10 to get up over the roof with the lance and get the spots off).

Then I hooked Mildred back onto George and towed her home.

George & Mildred :D

But I have mostly been driving the works Defender truck with effluent tank mounted on he back up stupidly steep mountain roads and back down (clearly).

THE most uncomfortable vehicle in the world, but OH so able to tackle those steep, steep slopes. I love it if I'm honest :cool:

Tonight, I mostly plan to drive George to visit my sister 72 miles away and stay over so we may sample the local brews & bands ;)
You need a license to drive a cherry picker these days? That must have been some exciting training course!
You need a license to drive a cherry picker these days? That must have been some exciting training course!
It had it's ups & downs :D

Been a boom expert pilot for over 6 years.

Done a few rescues, real life and over the phone on a pair of Hinowa light lift 20.10's when someone claimed to know how they worked and somehow "didn't" so I ended up talking them through the rescue from 100 miles away.

It's all great fun. I have operated all manner of machines from 15 foot to 135 foot.

I always knew I'd go up in the world :p

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