Not today but last sunday i did this lol
Morning Tony, you busy today?

May do a bit today, car keeps coming up with screen wash low has done for a week or so. Has not rectified itself so looks like i will have to fill it. Check TPs and levels ready for Chipping show at weekend if weather holds. Other than that nowt to do.
well picked the old girl up a couple of days ago and been out and about putting the gears through its paces and its great. new recon box and front prop the one withe the old splines on the end. so cost of recon withe 3 years and oil changes every so many thousand miles. £1200 and prop £37 plus the spline copling bit £118. and i bought a lower bush tool as well just wondering if i could use it on the top ones some how any one know if it works.
Car had a constant 5 second tick around the dash/column area.
Been like that for a while now, could not even think what could be causing it.
Problem sorted now, tripometer was at 999 and was just needing reset to zero.
A job on a RR that cost nothing to repair.
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@Dopey : that headling fix guide of yours is fantastic. Looking forward to testing it, weather allowing. Going to take my time and just doddle along. Might keep me off childcare duty!
Emptied the treacle out of the power-steering reservoir and replaced with fresh ATF. Mixed it up for a bit and then did the same again. Will do the same next week. Eventually it'll have more new fluid than old!

Steering much lighter now!

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