Fixed the welder, then welded the left rear wheel arch to the floor panel and half the right arch. Then spent the rest of the day cutting up patches ready for tomorrow.

Finally getting somewhere :)
Practice on scrap metal, sorry you were.:);)

I know the feeling, got a bit more done today then ran out of gas. :( So I swapped the rear shock bushes for Flo flex ones, PU'd the fuel filler panel back to the wing. Swapped the battery's out for a new pair and reconnected the fuel tank.

Told you it wasn't pretty but I'm getting there.
What mask are you using? I've been out of the welding game a long time now ( so a bit out of practice) but I find my light reactive mask a great help.:)
I can't arc weld without a reactive mask, not that good with one either:rolleyes:

Like I said Keith, its only practice oh and the correct amps and the rods and the weld orientation. Where do you keep your rods ? most people keep them in the garage where they get damp. Try putting them in the oven to dry them next time you try.:)
What mask are you using? I've been out of the welding game a long time now ( so a bit out of practice) but I find my light reactive mask a great help.:)

I've got a light reactive one, the lack of straight lines on a lot of the welds is partly my inexperience and partly even with the welder at it's lowest it still seems to want to melt the metal away. It's only £200 130A Draper.
I've got a light reactive one, the lack of straight lines on a lot of the welds is partly my inexperience and partly even with the welder at it's lowest it still seems to want to melt the metal away. It's only £200 130A Draper.

Is there a wire feed adjustment control on your welder? if there is try turning it down bit by bit. Looks like you are putting too much weld down (too much reinforcement). Wire speed will increase penetration and as you are only welding sheet metal you don't need a lot. Try on clean scrap until you find the settings that suit you. If you do blow a hole then build up on the thicker weld till the hole heals up.:)
There is, I have been fiddling with it I'll try slower tomorrow, And that's what |I have been doing when blowing holes.
Hi, you may find that if you run a coloured chalk line next to your weld seam it will keep your weld on line a little easier.

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