So, after measuring fuses on 200mV scale & using my fuse current tester, it seems F1 was the only one showing any current flow at all but only 120-200mA which eventually dropped to about 20mA. Checked Radio, Instruments & Window Switch pack with no success. Sometimes the BECM would appear to be sleeping with zero mV across all fuses (except F1), but was still showing about 500mA battery drain.
Tried the BECM SID checks for GEMS, ABS & HEVAC ECU's, doing the sleep test after each one. finally after disconnecting C246 on the HEVAC the BECM sleeps after 2.5min, but the current remains around 500mA until the 5min point when it drops to 35-40mA

. Reconnected HEVAC and it randomly either stays at 500mA, or sometimes drops to 35mA.
Dug out an old HEVAC (faulty display), and tried that. Got the same 2.5min 500mA & 5min 35mA results as above. Finally swapped the main PCB over to the HEVAC with working display and all seems good now.
Car has stayed at 35mA for the last 15-20mins, so will repeat the test & re-assemble the interior.
It would be nice to have a more reliable indicator of full sleep than a dim LED, but I guess that's P38 ownership.