Bloody inconsiderate RR drivers. You will not believe what I saw yesterday!
There was a man driving a smart looking P38, 2.5D in green, the same as mine, through Weymouth without a care in the world. The ride height looked good, he was confident enough to have brought his wife with him rather than leaving her somewhere else with a back up car. He must have driven for a mile or more to get there!
The bare faced affrontery!
I wasn’t actually affronted at the time, I was just admiring of a nice well kept RR.
Of course, at that moment I also thought my own was a working drivable RR. It was not until later when I had loaded the boot with all the paraphernalia of a picnic for 4, got 2 friends and our dog in the back seat and tried to rise from access to normal drive height that I discovered I was sadly mistaken!
Bloody Range Rovers - who’d have em?
Serves you right for dropping it to access:p Lock it at motorway height and leave it there, less work for the compressor.:)
Went for a drive, about 100 miles, first long drive in weeks, with the fuel being so pricey, which thankfully is now coming down slowly. The car ran great
just like a magic carpet, blew a few cobwebs out of the growling V8 as well.
Here is a link to about 20 minutes of the drive to Pately Bridge in North Yorkshire:
Fitted new drivers door handle after replacing the little black clip and new spring so the handler goes back in plus checked and cleaned all the electrical connectors and replaced the small green plastic clip on the door switch
Can we see pics before you go get tested cos they may not let you out:oops::D:D.


138k everything works no rattles no warning lights on, new supercharger 20k miles ago,
I dont know, its a 4.2 so id assume so, i checked levels started it drove it on boys farm road up and down for a while
Put it on trailer and paid and took it home,
Its still got the by gearstick key like the early cars

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