The other way of looking at it is he may be in an ICU.;)
I know a lot of people that have had Covid, they have been triple vaccinated, some have been very sick some have not. Many people have no symptoms vaccinated or not. International figures suggest that the vaccine is not effective against the variants as is the case with the flu vaccine. Even allowing that the vaccine might have some positive effect, that effect is admitted to be very short lived. Fewer people in ICU is said to be down to the latest variants being less deadly in the effect on the lungs.
I'm not qualified to argue one way or the other,I'm sure the vaccination program helped relieve the pressure on the NHS when it was under terrible strain.I've just got back from the supermarket where I bumped into a "friend",a real pompous arse and anti Vacation tosser.He was bold enough to tell me that I didn't need to wear a mask anymore,I told him it was my choice to wear one just as it was his not to be jabbed. He came very close to a right jab followed up with a left hook.:mad::mad:
I'm not qualified to argue one way or the other,I'm sure the vaccination program helped relieve the pressure on the NHS when it was under terrible strain.I've just got back from the supermarket where I bumped into a "friend",a real pompous arse and anti Vacation tosser.He was bold enough to tell me that I didn't need to wear a mask anymore,I told him it was my choice to wear one just as it was his not to be jabbed. He came very close to a right jab followed up with a left hook.:mad::mad:
I have no doubt that the vaccines helped in the first wave. I'm not an anti vaxer, I have been vaccinated against more things than most people for my time in Africa. I still wear a mask when out and about and we are still staying home as much as possible.
I have no doubt that the vaccines helped in the first wave. I'm not an anti vaxer, I have been vaccinated against more things than most people for my time in Africa. I still wear a mask when out and about and we are still staying home as much as possible.
I don't blame you Keith,I was used as a pincushion myself when in the RAF, I'm triple jabbed but why take the risk,it's only a mask when all said and done. There are some people that they should be made compulsory,cos their plug ugly.:eek:;):D
Me binnacle is now back in with all new bulbs cept the 3 501s cos I couldn't get the green condoms off without damaging them but they were working anyway.:oops::rolleyes::D
And if the spring is rotted there is a guy on p38 upgrades(?) on faceache that does a repair kit.

No one needs to pay £20 for a piece of metal worth 10p + 2p o ring.

Data’s method replaces the microswitch does away with all the bits to go wrong
I fixed mine for 50p as the chrome button type is absolutely ridiculous money - £80-90 replacement iirc? :eek::eek:
Ohh OK.. that told me:p.
I took mine to bits just for fun when I had a down day waiting for new parts to arrive for the brakes I think and all the gubbins were perfect so just greased it up a bit.
Just don’t want you to get ripped off mate. I coulda made fortune selling kits and undercut the other rip offs. I’d rather be skint
I've got a treat for you all.

For all your help and perseverance in putting up with me :)

I decided to take the boot button apart as no way I'm paying stupid money to a spring guy or anyone for a plastic button o_O

At first I thought it was glued up as the tangs snapped and it wouldn't budge. I put two holes in with a punch so I could get a circlip pliers on it, filled it with gt85 and left to soak overnight

View attachment 173903

So for the moment ; take a seat, few deep breaths, perhaps a quick cuppa then when you are ready read on....:D

Are you ready?...

Look what I found ...:p

View attachment 173905
We were all shocked! :eek::D
How on earth was this still operating??? And how do I make it work again with a 50p budget for a £90 part :eek:

Some may recall I thought about taking the spring out of my old stat to see if it would fit. Obviously,
this is a stupid idea that won't work :rolleyes:
But the principle does :cool:

We all have one of these lying around ...
View attachment 173906
The shi**ty sealant gun, not the 3rd brake light ;) The spring off the middle fits into the button cap, then the switch mechanism in on top. I cut the last spring coil off so it's not flat and the coil doesn't touch the two connections (just the white bit). I put insulation tape around the ends of the spring to soften and stabilise it.

I bought a new o-ring so total cost of job was 20p - still more expensive than necessary.

It works well :)

Hope this makes sense to any with this common problem. No more unfair pricing for us!

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