I get the distinct feeling you wouldn't buy this guy a pint if you met him in a pub then:p:p:D.

I would **** in a pint and pour it over his head. The car has been M.O.T'd yesterday so looks like the lucky new owner will be getting it albeit i bet money its a BENT M.O.T on it so he can get rid of it. I hate liars and greedy C**ts too as this dealer Ford Mather is so chuffed it has all backed fired on him. I wish the new owner good luck with owning it. I had loads of new bits bought in readiness for that car so he might be interested in them.
I would **** in a pint and pour it over his head. The car has been M.O.T'd yesterday so looks like the lucky new owner will be getting it albeit i bet money its a BENT M.O.T on it so he can get rid of it. I hate liars and greedy C**ts too as this dealer Ford Mather is so chuffed it has all backed fired on him. I wish the new owner good luck with owning it. I had loads of new bits bought in readiness for that car so he might be interested in them.
Poor bloke's just trying to earn an honest living :rolleyes:
Poor bloke's just trying to earn an honest living :rolleyes:
Not from his track record mate,he sold it to @Enthusiastman for six grand I believe, then went quite for a while then relisted it for over nine,I do hope @harryc gets it for his £3850 bid :D:D honest living ,I don't think so.IF the deals done I'm happy he's had a kick in the balls.i know @Enthusiastman bought loads of bits to bring it up to scratch and wanted the full set of facelift lights I have, to fit to it. I wouldn't sell them to him in case the deal fell through, which it did. All bits still available;)
Not from his track record mate,he sold it to @Enthusiastman for six grand I believe, then went quite for a while then relisted it for over nine,I do hope @harryc gets it for his £3850 bid :D:D honest living ,I don't think so.IF the deals done I'm happy he's had a kick in the balls.i know @Enthusiastman bought loads of bits to bring it up to scratch and wanted the full set of facelift lights I have, to fit to it. I wouldn't sell them to him in case the deal fell through, which it did. All bits still available;)
Sorry, poor attempt at humour :(
Not from his track record mate,he sold it to @Enthusiastman for six grand I believe, then went quite for a while then relisted it for over nine,I do hope @harryc gets it for his £3850 bid :D:D honest living ,I don't think so.IF the deals done I'm happy he's had a kick in the balls.i know @Enthusiastman bought loads of bits to bring it up to scratch and wanted the full set of facelift lights I have, to fit to it. I wouldn't sell them to him in case the deal fell through, which it did. All bits still available;)
Indeed Alan. I still have most of all those lovely bits for sale which would have made it an absolute peach of a P38 by time i was done. Sadly and just like others the dealer turned out to be a greedy lying ****. If Harry got it for £3850 then i will be chuffed to bits for him and laughing at Ford Mather the dealer. What goes around always comes around in my book. Justice served i think.
Yes I'm blaming on feeling poorly, they say humour is the last to go!! Foooked!!
It's one thing to 'forget' to mention the heated screen didn't work etc but i can't stand liars or cheats. Someone who does both is as low as they get

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