Well that was fun o_O lump lump lump as I'm driving down the road. Have I lost a balance weight? Didn't feel like it. Pull over, check for flat tyres.. check for something in the tread.. all good.. go a bit further, it's really not happy!!
Stop again.. ah.. all 5 wheel nuts on LHF wheel were very loose!! Lucky escape there!! Tighten up, all good. No obvious damage but will take it off to have a proper look..
Well that was fun o_O lump lump lump as I'm driving down the road. Have I lost a balance weight? Didn't feel like it. Pull over, check for flat tyres.. check for something in the tread.. all good.. go a bit further, it's really not happy!!
Stop again.. ah.. all 5 wheel nuts on LHF wheel were very loose!! Lucky escape there!! Tighten up, all good. No obvious damage but will take it off to have a proper look..
That’s usually when someone’s tried to nick you wheels! At least a locking nut would keep the wheel on. Always assuming one does all the nuts up in the first place. Lucky escape either way. Tricky :cool:
Well that was fun o_O lump lump lump as I'm driving down the road. Have I lost a balance weight? Didn't feel like it. Pull over, check for flat tyres.. check for something in the tread.. all good.. go a bit further, it's really not happy!!
Stop again.. ah.. all 5 wheel nuts on LHF wheel were very loose!! Lucky escape there!! Tighten up, all good. No obvious damage but will take it off to have a proper look..
Never forget as kids going on holiday with all the family in our old Zephyr 4. Same kind of noise but we weren't so lucky back wheel came off at 50mph on M1 Lots off poo came out from mum, dad and us 3 kids Fortunately no one hurt except dad's wallet for a big repair bill:eek::eek::eek:
Well that was fun o_O lump lump lump as I'm driving down the road. Have I lost a balance weight? Didn't feel like it. Pull over, check for flat tyres.. check for something in the tread.. all good.. go a bit further, it's really not happy!!
Stop again.. ah.. all 5 wheel nuts on LHF wheel were very loose!! Lucky escape there!! Tighten up, all good. No obvious damage but will take it off to have a proper look..
The only time I’ve had that is when I hand painted me classic steelies, the first trip the nuts squashed the paint around the lug oles and the nuts worked loose. Made a right racket, though engine was dropping out :confused:
Well that was fun o_O lump lump lump as I'm driving down the road. Have I lost a balance weight? Didn't feel like it. Pull over, check for flat tyres.. check for something in the tread.. all good.. go a bit further, it's really not happy!!
Stop again.. ah.. all 5 wheel nuts on LHF wheel were very loose!! Lucky escape there!! Tighten up, all good. No obvious damage but will take it off to have a proper look..
had the same on my D2.

same wheel too!
Well that was fun o_O lump lump lump as I'm driving down the road. Have I lost a balance weight? Didn't feel like it. Pull over, check for flat tyres.. check for something in the tread.. all good.. go a bit further, it's really not happy!!
Stop again.. ah.. all 5 wheel nuts on LHF wheel were very loose!! Lucky escape there!! Tighten up, all good. No obvious damage but will take it off to have a proper look..
Try it when it is the front (only) wheel doing that on a Reliant Regal! Definite brown trouser moment. Good practice for a P38 though....
Vaccines rushed development, rushed trials, emergency approvals based in at least one case on incomplete information. Two of the vaccines are based on new untried technology. There is a growing list of unexpected side effects and hundreds of deaths from the vaccines. A recent report states that "the mRNA vaccines protection drops to 40% after 2 months and 20% after 4 months and provides no protection after 6 months which makes them a nice little earner for the pharmaceutical companies. The figures for hospital admissions does not seem to have dropped a lot despite the huge number of people vaccinated. I am not anti vaccination, I have had more vaccinations than most people from my time working in Africa, funny how vaccines used to protect for a lot longer than a couple of months, tetanus for example lasts 10 years.
If it's my time to die, I would sooner die of the disease than the so called cure.

Depends on the vaccine and the illness as to how long they last. All need boosters sooner or later.

Of course people still get admitted, the vaccines reduce severity, nothing more or less. But look at cases and then at admissions and even better, deaths, and you can see clearly how much the vaccines reduce its impact.

I can tell you how many people have died from covid. There are side-effects for some people, I've got the admission numbers somewhere but all the same side effects are seen from covid but worse. That would make sense when you think about it. Not sure about untested: it is essentially still phase 4 but the volumes of people vaccinated are absolutely f*ckin huge compared to what most medicines are tested on. That's what holds most things up, getting enough numbers to be sure. Some people will die from the vaccine to be sure, there's always someone with some odd reaction but at the moment no-one in the patch I have data for has died from the vaccine ... But thousands have died from covid, millions worldwide. The question is which is the smaller risk? The answer to that is absolutely beyond any doubt: you are orders of magnitude more likely to have long term side effects or die from covid over the vaccine. Moreover, it will become endemic so it isn't a case of if you'll get it, only when. Effectively you have no choice, only whether you prime your body first with a vaccine.
I worry for my little lads , 12 and 13 and how they might be affected.. :(

Kids don't seem to be affected as much. Older teenagers more like adults but yours should be fine. The question is whether it is worth giving them the vaccine or not. I think that is a close call for kids because there's so little risk to them from the virus itself, although they do seem to get long covid even with mild symptoms. On that basis the vaccine may be worth it for kids.
Unfortunately and it's hard to say it but we may all have to catch it.. We would all lose in some way. Painfully. :(

Not may. It is only a matter of time unless you stay apart from other humans until you die and even that isn't certain as it seems to jump between species remarkably easily.
Also think it's more readily airborne than most try to make out

It is mainly airborne. Not sure why anyone would think anything else. The WHO downplayed it at the start trying not to panic anyone. That's what makes masks a bit of a joke. Great for 5 minutes popping into a shop but an hour on a train or in a poorly ventilated space and unless you have an FFP3 filter that seals tightly around the nose and mouth you're wasting your time. If you can smell someone you can catch it off them.
Depends on the vaccine and the illness as to how long they last. All need boosters sooner or later.

Of course people still get admitted, the vaccines reduce severity, nothing more or less. But look at cases and then at admissions and even better, deaths, and you can see clearly how much the vaccines reduce its impact.

I can tell you how many people have died from covid. There are side-effects for some people, I've got the admission numbers somewhere but all the same side effects are seen from covid but worse. That would make sense when you think about it. Not sure about untested: it is essentially still phase 4 but the volumes of people vaccinated are absolutely f*ckin huge compared to what most medicines are tested on. That's what holds most things up, getting enough numbers to be sure. Some people will die from the vaccine to be sure, there's always someone with some odd reaction but at the moment no-one in the patch I have data for has died from the vaccine ... But thousands have died from covid, millions worldwide. The question is which is the smaller risk? The answer to that is absolutely beyond any doubt: you are orders of magnitude more likely to have long term side effects or die from covid over the vaccine. Moreover, it will become endemic so it isn't a case of if you'll get it, only when. Effectively you have no choice, only whether you prime your body first with a vaccine.
That's not the way I interpret the figures but I'll leave it at that.

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