I did replace mine with the bulbs and carefully peeled off and reused the existing condoms. Also managed to get actual green bulbs for one or two but I still have 2 back-light that's white/yellow that should be green.
Yes, talking rubbish as usual, green condoms!!
Found the culprit, a little wee bulb under the auto button! Makes complete sense for one bulb to be inside while all the others are removable from the outside!!
Put a green one in, got to be better than nothing!!

There's LEDs in here too!! Why?? Why not use LED everywhere?
Check the zebra strip while your in there and the dial gets carboned up
Can't do anything about the zebra as i don't have the repair but the display is fine apart from the odd segment on really cold days. The dial wasn't too bad, just worn.
I now have a fully lit display! But fun with the green bulb but at least i know it works and i can get a white one to put in its place
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Refurbed the EAS compressor as a preventative measure, I don't know if or when it was ever done but at 20 years old it deserved it either way. As it turned out the old ring was worn but not excessively though. Retaining ring was a bit of a bugger to get off but managed without doing too much damage to the piston. Also replaced the piston sleeve as the kit came with a new one anyway so why waste it. Did the little filters as again they came with the kit and you can see the rubbish inside the lid, they were bad but what do you expect?? its something that is overlooked during regular servicing and changing other filters. You can see below the before and after filters. Next to do are the rear airbags as they have now arrived after bouncing around Russian post but the weather as expected has turned on the cold side now so may wait a bit.

In the hevac? Dunno. Are they for the display?
The LEDS in the HEVAC control unit are only for the amber bits inside the buttons which glow when you press them. Everything else is a bulb wearing a green condom EXCEPT for the LCD display backlight which is just a single bulb, with no condom.

LOOKING at it I can understand why. As you say, LEDs were expensive and only NECESSARY for the amber button lights which needed them to be very compact to fit in the body of the button. Everything else could be lit with normal bulbs and lengths of perspex for the light to run in.

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