
New Member
Ey up!

I just decided to join this forum as I've been trawling the internet for hours looking for something to buy for my brother for xmas for his new series 3 and I have no idea, so I thought you lot would be the people to ask!

Its his first car and he got it during the summer, he loves it (a little bit more than a person should love an inanimate object) so I thought I'd buy him something for it for xmas but I cant think what, I thought roof rack at first but there a bit too much really as I can only spend £50-80.

Does anyone have any ideas for that sort of money?

Thanks for reading.
Look on paddocks or similar there are lots of bits for that sort of price, maybe even like a service kit or something, depends what he needs really and already has really
I dont think he's too fussed about keeping it original and he hasnt got any extra kit for it yet, its pretty much how it came off the line, only with quite a few more dents, scratches, rust and a spot light on the back. So i guess what I'm asking is what is an essential bit of kit for a newbie landrover fanatic...what would you buy first?
No1 Land Rover service tool ;)
a big fuc off lump hammer always usefull and you would have change aswell.
a copy of Haynes workshop manual or better still a Rave disc which is the full factory manual
How about a bunch if clear light lenses and some nice decent coloured bulbs and some nice bright h7 headlight bulbs?
All this bling, and no one's suggested a single security item. Typical Landy owners. I suggest you get him a Disklok or Clutchclaw then at least he will be able to hang on to it for more than a few months

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