Tommo, for your enjoyable and freewheeling antics and by the power vested in me I deem you an honorary "Merkin".

I hope that you continue to live up to the ideal.
We've all been young and stupid and invincible at some point in our lives mate .
Im glad no one was hurt ( including you, honest)

Like I said it is a good do and dont video to show folk

And I dont think any really gives a **** about the disco
I love these videos - the machinery, the bravado and of course the hilarious commentary! It is like a double-act!

Hi People, I'm the 4 eyed t**t in a lot of these videos.

You are all of course correct, a lot of that stuff is pretty out there when it comes to safety. I think most of us were young and carefree once, and I'm sure you will all be sleeping easier tonight if I tell you that I won't do anything remotely daft these days without a decent cage and harness, which though not making us invincible, greatly improves our chances in the event of disaster. Stepping out of the house is of course a gamble, and we all take risks in order to enjoy ourselves, but taking every sensible precaution that we can without impacting what we enjoy too much is a good idea. Looking back I think that 'suicide hill' and the 'discovery jump' videos are the most dangerous of the lot, I have been in a RRC that rolled and there really is nothing in the roof to save you, any tumble from height is not going to end well. The kinetic rope one is a bit dodgy because of the shackle in the middle of the line (I can't speak for any of the crazy winching bit that happens before I arrive), I didn't want to add that shackle and with hindsight should have just linked the two ropes with the eyes, but people do act as though this could fly off in any direction, when really it is only going to hit the back of one of the motors, though there is the potential for it to come through the back window and hit you on the head, though given that it would still have a length of rope attached to it slowing it down reduces this risk somewhat. People are totally right about spectators being too close etc, but what am I supposed to do? Erect a barrier? You hear people being warned multiple times in that video. I honestly don't think anyone else was going to save that motor for those lads that day, and I didn't expect it to take that much pulling to get free, but it came out. Everyone should buy themselves a Damar webbing products kinetic rope, I haven't ever seen a more rigorous test of a kinetic rope than that. The strap that broke was a Procomp 8000, though it had seen some action by that time.

As for the people that say destroying a discovery is sacrilege, fair play. The next time I get hold of a disco that is as rotten as the titanic I will donate it to one of these people to repair.

Frank is still about and I see him regularly. We will be back out at some point next year, I have a new 110 and he still has his range rover. I need to convince him to spend more money on a cage and less on replacement panels, I'm working on it.

Stay safe, and have a merry Xmas.

Really good to see you on here mate and be able to chat to the legendary Tommy! Now I will call you a dodgy #### for those actions but please be aware that this is by no means a derogatory comment :D after all this is LZ and that is a compliment :D I would love to see you getting up to more high jinx with the boys it is ####ing funny to watch. Please please keep the attitude you have come on here with as you do seem to have half an idea of what you are talking about. If it was a commercial you where smashing up I'd say you where a silly #### but an old 200TDI who gives a #### really! Stick around and have a great laugh :)

P.S how the #### you lot haven't hurt yourself's is bloody lucky :)
Ah don't worry about the pub chat, it is what it is. and I'm not easily offended.

I think it is people in the states that are deprived of Land Rovers that cry when you bend them, it's not surprising that a lot of Americans don't get the fact that in 15 years a car in Britain isn't fit for repair.

As for how I haven't hurt myself, you would be surprised how easy it is to stay out of harms way when you are knowingly doing something a bit risky, it is always running through your mind what you are going to do if it goes wrong. It tends to be the hidden dangers that get people, a lot of folk don't appreciate how dangerous off roading can be, you can't go to a pay and play site without seeing people coasting down steep hills using their brakes to slow them, or losing track of which way their wheels are pointing on a slippy surface, you only have to roll over on a bit of a slope to kill yourself and it is very easily done, though people are usually lucky and they often get out unharmed.

Running water is scary, done the odd river crossing where you keep all the windows open and leave your seatbelt off just in case, but never had any bother really. I know loads of people who do dafter stuff than me, but all the accidents that friends have had have all been whilst they were complacently doing something much more sedate.

All the best videos IMHO are not on YouTube, since those people got done for towing a rubber ring with a Land Rover and posting it on there (Something I would consider as risk free as sledging if done sensibly) then you have to be careful what you put on, the internet isn't quite the same these days, sometimes for the better, some worse.
dude welcome, and feck the haters. I thought the disco vids were great, i even said earlier. Yeah you did some dodgy unsafe **** and i enjoyed that!
Hi People, I'm the 4 eyed t**t in a lot of these videos.

You are all of course correct, a lot of that stuff is pretty out there when it comes to safety. I think most of us were young and carefree once, and I'm sure you will all be sleeping easier tonight if I tell you that I won't do anything remotely daft these days without a decent cage and harness, which though not making us invincible, greatly improves our chances in the event of disaster. Stepping out of the house is of course a gamble, and we all take risks in order to enjoy ourselves, but taking every sensible precaution that we can without impacting what we enjoy too much is a good idea. Looking back I think that 'suicide hill' and the 'discovery jump' videos are the most dangerous of the lot, I have been in a RRC that rolled and there really is nothing in the roof to save you, any tumble from height is not going to end well. The kinetic rope one is a bit dodgy because of the shackle in the middle of the line (I can't speak for any of the crazy winching bit that happens before I arrive), I didn't want to add that shackle and with hindsight should have just linked the two ropes with the eyes, but people do act as though this could fly off in any direction, when really it is only going to hit the back of one of the motors, though there is the potential for it to come through the back window and hit you on the head, though given that it would still have a length of rope attached to it slowing it down reduces this risk somewhat. People are totally right about spectators being too close etc, but what am I supposed to do? Erect a barrier? You hear people being warned multiple times in that video. I honestly don't think anyone else was going to save that motor for those lads that day, and I didn't expect it to take that much pulling to get free, but it came out. Everyone should buy themselves a Damar webbing products kinetic rope, I haven't ever seen a more rigorous test of a kinetic rope than that. The strap that broke was a Procomp 8000, though it had seen some action by that time.

As for the people that say destroying a discovery is sacrilege, fair play. The next time I get hold of a disco that is as rotten as the titanic I will donate it to one of these people to repair.

Frank is still about and I see him regularly. We will be back out at some point next year, I have a new 110 and he still has his range rover. I need to convince him to spend more money on a cage and less on replacement panels, I'm working on it.

Stay safe, and have a merry Xmas.

I'm one of those that cringes every time I watch one of your vids.

Having seen how far you can catapult ropes, straps, ratchets, winch cables etc in the event of a failure you guys were lucky with the bow shackle. I've watched somebody winch using a bow shackle instead of a snatch block and when the cable cut through the metal enough for it to sheer it was amazing how far the shackle flew.:eek::eek::eek: I've also seen somebody use 5 or 6 ratchets and straps to extend a winch cable and watched one of the straps snap, sending the whole lot flying under the vehicles.

At the same time I will also take risks on occasions. I've climbed up and down cliffs without being roped up, dangled off winch cables over bridges and docks etc.

Some risks you take in life are calculated. Some are just plain stooped. Sometimes all you can do is reduce the risks but not eliminate em.
I think it is people in the states that are deprived of Land Rovers that cry when you bend them, it's not surprising that a lot of Americans don't get the fact that in 15 years a car in Britain isn't fit for repair.
I don't think so. They're not thought of that highly here.
Hi People, I'm the 4 eyed t**t in a lot of these videos.

You are all of course correct, a lot of that stuff is pretty out there when it comes to safety. I think most of us were young and carefree once, and I'm sure you will all be sleeping easier tonight if I tell you that I won't do anything remotely daft these days without a decent cage and harness, which though not making us invincible, greatly improves our chances in the event of disaster. Stepping out of the house is of course a gamble, and we all take risks in order to enjoy ourselves, but taking every sensible precaution that we can without impacting what we enjoy too much is a good idea. Looking back I think that 'suicide hill' and the 'discovery jump' videos are the most dangerous of the lot, I have been in a RRC that rolled and there really is nothing in the roof to save you, any tumble from height is not going to end well. The kinetic rope one is a bit dodgy because of the shackle in the middle of the line (I can't speak for any of the crazy winching bit that happens before I arrive), I didn't want to add that shackle and with hindsight should have just linked the two ropes with the eyes, but people do act as though this could fly off in any direction, when really it is only going to hit the back of one of the motors, though there is the potential for it to come through the back window and hit you on the head, though given that it would still have a length of rope attached to it slowing it down reduces this risk somewhat. People are totally right about spectators being too close etc, but what am I supposed to do? Erect a barrier? You hear people being warned multiple times in that video. I honestly don't think anyone else was going to save that motor for those lads that day, and I didn't expect it to take that much pulling to get free, but it came out. Everyone should buy themselves a Damar webbing products kinetic rope, I haven't ever seen a more rigorous test of a kinetic rope than that. The strap that broke was a Procomp 8000, though it had seen some action by that time.

As for the people that say destroying a discovery is sacrilege, fair play. The next time I get hold of a disco that is as rotten as the titanic I will donate it to one of these people to repair.

Frank is still about and I see him regularly. We will be back out at some point next year, I have a new 110 and he still has his range rover. I need to convince him to spend more money on a cage and less on replacement panels, I'm working on it.

Stay safe, and have a merry Xmas.

Hi Tommo, been very entertained by your vids. Glad you and other did not get hurt. Merry Christmas. C

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