During the last session at Whaddon truck's were unable to get up the big bank (in section B), if you came down it you was unable to avoid dropping into the bomb hole due to the ruts. I have leveled out the ruts so when coming down you can steer to the left of the bomb hole, (or you can still drop into the bomb hole if you choose) I have also leveled the bottom of the bank as One wheel was dropping into the bomb hole and diffs were grounding out on the hump!

Also during the last session I cut a drainage channel into the canal run, the water level has dropped at least One foot, but it's still 3 foot deep: -

Whaddon Canal Run - YouTube
Thrown more rubble into the bomb hole this afternoon, still need a lot more thrown in to level it out. Most modified trucks with decent tyres should get up the bank.
Yes mate, text'd him but no reply, tried to make a new track across the march, got well stuck and pulled the valve out of the front tyre! had to go back with my other truck this morning to pull it out. Took 2 snatches, also had to pull another truck to the top. Everybody was getting stuck and most went home early so those who where stuck were left.
Recovered the Diahatsu that was stranded last week (down by the sheep dip) in section B, took over 3 hours to pull the dead weight to the car park, thought the best way was crossing the sleeper bridge, so made a temp bridge to cross from section B to section F (hope to make this a permanent bridge) Also started to repair the marsh crossing as the deep ruts made it in-passable.
New bridge - be careful otherwise you will slip off it!!!!!! Need to get hold of some sleepers as these make a better bridge.

Whaddon 15-02-14 - YouTube

Started to make a new track, it will cross the stream and will require a winch to get up the banks!!!
Whaddon 4x4 is open tomorrow: -

Looking forward to posting clips of the new winch section.

Section G - H is now passable: - Whaddon February 26, 2014 - YouTube

Tried an repaired part of the old track in section B (Marked in Red on the site map on page 11) Still need to test and repair the part that runs into section C.

Dug entry / exit routes so you can get out of the ruts in section B (Orange track that runs up to the bank) this is to allow non capable trucks to by-pass the hole!!!!!
Mark has anyone spoke to you a bout doing a challenge up whaddon? There was talk of it on the FB group.
also there tyres are still good. That one I munched a bit leaks very slowly lol.
I posted "Whaddon Weekend Event" on here and the Northants forum the poll to choose a date ends tomorrow , the results point towards the last weekend of April (26th & 27th) The entrance fee for both days is £30.00, camping allowed + late driving, Saturday night (within reason).

I know the Northants group are keen to set up a punch challenge

I also contacted the Anthill 4x4 group

Not sure if the FB Group know about the dates!
Extended the 'Snake Track' ready for Sundays session: - Now continues through Two more lots of trees and come out on the track that leads down to the 'Sheep Dip'

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