Was rather wet today! good day mind you.. only broke another indicator and side repeater.. oh and my steering box dumped its load
Been to Whaddon today! Rebuilding the Sleeper Bridge, any suggestions for the width? as fat boys where saying it wasn't wide enough!!!! (You know who you are) Unfortunately Nick I don't have enough sleepers to make each track 3 sleepers wide! If I widen the gap and use 2 sleepers the Suzuki's and quads will fall through (that might be a good thing tho lol)

Whaddon 07-01-14 - YouTube
Done a bit more work on the Sleeper Bridge, managed to get the sleeper out of the mud pit up by the marsh crossing! (That was hard work) So the bridge consists of: - 6 sleepers, 2 used on each side of the bank, and 2 sleepers for each track. The track has been widened for fat boy with wheel spacers. I need to build up the entry ramps so the bridge does not move. I hope to screw each track sleeper to each bank sleepers. Will be ready to use on the next play day. I'm sure the Motor X boys will launch over the stream so need to ensure the ramps are solid.

Whaddon Re-Building Bridge - YouTube
I might sell them, it depends on how much he want's to offer. I have 5 with matching steel rims, I hear 35" are quite hard to come by at the moment.
Sleeper Bridge is now screwed in place "Thanks to Greengrass" Hopefully more rubble will turn up next week to enable me to complete the ramps.

Here is a clip of Neil going through the mud pit after coming over the bridge.
Whaddon 11-01-2014 - YouTube

I took Greengrass around the site as he may bring his truck up when it's dryer! Think I may have bent a few push rods as I went into the water a bit too much without a snorkle! Well it will give me something to do tomorrow.
I know somebody who has a D reg 110 pick up fitted with a 3.9 engine and Autobox that has been sat for some time, I had a quick look at it yesterday and it looked like it had some decent tyres on it, looked quite aggressive but I didn't note the size. I can find out the make & size if you want (it's local). Shame it's petrol as I was thinking of using it to move rubble around Whaddon.

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