OK Excuse the bad editing I'll be honest I forgot it was turned on and there isnt much usable footage. I made somthing from what I had next time I need to face it rearward for any recovery work and on the bonnet or bumper for driving link will be up soon
Another Excuse, I only got the Cam at 10am (waited till the shop opened) so it was all unknown Not to bad not the best editing Nor footage to be fair
Here are some of the photo's i took yesterday.

Unfortunately no freelanders were about for recovery. :doh:





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Looks like you boys had fun!! I would have to say looking at some of that I'm glad I didn't make it - I'd still be stuck there somewhere.
was a gr8 day thanks, will defo have to go again. oh and maybe wait in line to clean the car rather than take it home a s*it tip.

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