we may well do. Fielder drives a freelander i thinks. There's a few on there i don't know.

sorry i meant heard from fielder - he does indeed drive a freelander, which he had to give to the vets coz it died a little. dunno if its been revived or not - coz he is keen to come to whaddon
hmm, maybe its still dead then! i know he is keen to come once it undies itself

i will actually go easy tomorrow as i hope to be going to salisbury on monday so with any luck i will only be doing things WELL within the vehicles limit - not maybe just about in it like that big ****off mound that keeps making discos roll etc
Is he coming to rescue you?:D

haha i bloody well hope not, i dont fancy a tutu much.

i really dont think a single freelander will manage though mind - you really reckon a single freelander could recover any of us from the sort of places we go to / get stuck at?
Got to put the muds back on in the morning, it's still got the snow tyres on it. Check the oils and I'll be up.
haha i bloody well hope not, i dont fancy a tutu much.

i really dont think a single freelander will manage though mind - you really reckon a single freelander could recover any of us from the sort of places we go to / get stuck at?

We doing our best to engineer that scenario for you.:D:D:D
not going to make tomorrow still got peps round killing songs on the kareoke going to do a drive round at bordon tomorrow with the AWDC if i havent got a major hangover
AWDC is the best club! been a member since I was about 10 on and off. If you want extreme trials they are the ones although of late they have lost their way with the trials rules and regs.

Carpy Freelander towing you out is a muct I mean you in a tutu has to be done!
Failing that my 15 year old neice will tow you out when your stuck!

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