Tent should be OK you wont be in it long:crazy_driver::5bcheers2::5bparty::5bdriving::5bgrouphug::beer2::argue::boink::caked::hug:get the idea:D

now theres the problem:-

im far from sociable...
dont drink...
group hugging (arent most people going like... dudes?....i dont drive a freelander anymore ya know)
now theres the problem:-

im far from sociable...
dont drink...
group hugging (arent most people going like... dudes?....i dont drive a freelander anymore ya know)

Right well you can just buddy well pitch ta tent on your own... In a corner somewhere... In the next field. Cos we're dead sociable and loud and swear loads..
Holly has got a formal offer from BTP so she starts training in London in the 5th May. Means Dotty the series can't come :( unless I drive it down and I like me comforts. So it should be our Bessie and tuther daughters fiesta.
35 days to go...:bored:
test fit my flags today ..bet the Neighbours wandered what the hell was going on when they saw that in the air..:pound:
Been busy doing loads of stuff making the series look presentable......
Not sorted secondary vehicle flags yet...
Got my flags sortied disco/camp
Cleaned my trailer up "full of dust from all that grinding":mad:
Made the LZ burner ;)
Got my ticket :)
I'm ready bring it on...:D