LCBandit - my place is fin e, nice cuppa before departure
Rosie, wf28ap (119) - cuppa and big field 100m away to walk dog.

Mr cool can't depart till 2pm
I can depart anytime on Friday
Rosie always early

Suggested meet points, wf28ap, wooly edge services, junct M1/M180

Now awaiting other replies so we can start to firm things up

PMSL, you had better change that or everyone will get lost :D

The 180 goes from Doncaster to Scunthorpe :D
We went for a jolly trip round sheffield to pick up some camping gear last night. Gulp. ( I was locking the doors and agitated as I felt there was a queue behind us waiting to slap on a tracker the moment we stopped, apparently I'm a snob, until I pointed out we were in the very place they apprehended our stolen landys thief) who knew there was a place called Atlas in Yorkshire? Anyway we were palmed with all sorts of goodies because the guy had had enough of been cold and not sleeping. Very exciting.

4pm in wakey would be excellent for us but if this holds everyone up we can trundle along after.
I can depart anytime Friday (but not too early early cos may be flying home from reef on thurs night)
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Hi all,

I can depart anytime on Friday (took the day and day before off from work). I'll be driving from Leeds, so if I only have to follow M1 before meeting up with anyone, I should be fine.

I am looking at the right place on the map? It shows its on M1, close to Gate Royd Wood and Burger King on the location as well.

Just want to be sure I am not gonna drive to some other place lol

Not sure what's there Peter but coming south M1 out of leeds it's the first services you come accross.
With people not setting off until those times I'm going to head down to the site early to help set up now. Took the day off work so want to maximise my holiday day rather than sit at my dad's house all morning :)
With people not setting off until those times I'm going to head down to the site early to help set up now. Took the day off work so want to maximise my holiday day rather than sit at my dad's house all morning :)

Ok Rosie, just let me know if you want to pop in for cuppa and exercise dog
LCBandit - my place is fin e, nice cuppa before departure
Rosie, wf28ap (119) - cuppa and big field 100m away to walk dog.

Mr cool can't depart till 2pm
I can depart anytime on Friday
Rosie always early

Suggested meet points, wf28ap, wooly edge services, junct M1/M180

Now awaiting other replies so we can start to firm things up

I've a sneaking suspicion I've been to your house before with Clive? I used to live on Greaves by the way (many years ago) lol :D but then again looking at the house number not sure I have lol
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I've a sneaking suspicion I've been to your house before with Clive? I used to live on Greaves by the way (many years ago) lol :D but then again looking at the house number not sure I have lol

Don't think I have seen you here LCBandit unless you called when it was dark with your swag bag lol
so I take it Sue w and her friends are not coming ? even so she put her name down for laning /