Yea that was a job for this summer that didn't get done, soundproofing! Cheers for that I'll add it to the list, certainly looks more practical
Yea that was a job for this summer that didn't get done, soundproofing! Cheers for that I'll add it to the list, certainly looks more practical

It is, I haven't managed to rip it off yet and I have done with the CB aerial, snorkel top and bits of bodywork :D
Had to cut my lakes trip short as I got a call from the yard saying one of my horses was ill. Unfortunately I didn't get back quickly enough and she had to be PTS. Once again my friends from Landyzone were there for me. Thanks Neil and Kate and sorry to Andy who I left in the lakes with a group he didn't know. Dr Evil was calling for a drink as well, I forgot about him.

Sorry to hear about your horse Sue. Hope you're able to get back up to the Lakes again soon
Right folks, who wants to go out this weekend. Something completely different and not a laning trip as such, but involves lanes and Land Rovers :D

Can do Saturday with a later start and Sunday looking to do different areas local and the Dales. Don't really mind which are when :D

Will involve laning, photographs, cake, tools and writing :eek:

And this thread dies when no one posts rubbish on it, so can we get back to normal please :D

And finally anyone want to go the the Overland Show in a couple of weeks with the GLASS AGM, its in Stratford
Right folks, who wants to go out this weekend. Something completely different and not a laning trip as such, but involves lanes and Land Rovers :D

Can do Saturday with a later start and Sunday looking to do different areas local and the Dales. Don't really mind which are when :D

Will involve laning, photographs, cake, tools and writing :eek:

And this thread dies when no one posts rubbish on it, so can we get back to normal please :D

And finally anyone want to go the the Overland Show in a couple of weeks with the GLASS AGM, its in Stratford

I'm taking my son back to Middlesborough University this weekend, most likely tomorrow, so could be up for North Yorks lanes after we've dropped his computers/****e off .. ;)

Obviously it'd probably mean hooking up with you lot later on if you're close enough. Would it be OK to telephone you to see where you are when we've finished sorting my lad out?

Might take me tent to stay over Saturday night wild camping somewhere if you're doing Sunday!!

I'd love to go Overland show, but can't afford it, sorry.
Can you put me down as a definatly maybe please sue :) don't know if r lass has any plans for me for the weekend or not yet, but won't be seeing her till tonight....
Sue - please put us down for a maybe, if there's nowt too extreme. I'll let you know later tonight about meeting up on either day, or both :)

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