September is fine with me for Northumberland as for the link don't you need to be a member of Hull 4x4 .
What about 10am Royalty Car Park, Otley Chevin

Slightly later start to give me time to get the horses done without a 6am start :D:D
Saturday 14th June - Short local trip nothing to challenging


And be warned, at the moment I am leading this one :D:D

Yorkshire laning international rescue is on standby though :D
Saturday 14th June - Short local trip nothing to challenging


And be warned, at the moment I am leading this one :D:D

Yorkshire laning international rescue is on standby though :D

pm incoming sue.
Saturday 14th June - Short local trip nothing to challenging

Simmi (if we can start at 12.30

And be warned, at the moment I am leading this one :D:D

Yorkshire laning international rescue is on standby though :D

Right, Simmi wants to join us but he cant be there till 12.30. Anyone object to a later start

He cant post because he has forgotted his password again :D:D:D:D
Right, Simmi wants to join us but he cant be there till 12.30. Anyone object to a later start

He cant post because he has forgotted his password again :D:D:D:D

Oh if its like that then i might join in but i can't get there till 1.30 :p:D:D
exactly who is on standby?

Well so far I have recruited Andy and Zip :D:D Not that they have agreed to it though :D

Zip did ask whether I intended to do the Fewston lane again :D:D:D:D

You cant be on standby as you never stand still long enough :p:p:p

Wont stop me ringing you though :D:D:D

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