Thanks for the offer i wont bother filling up then:D.It was a serious question though as some of the lane we have done have tended to catch some people out.

LOL Andy, One Stop and the others were with us on the Wales trip. Do you remember the one where I got scared doing the Pheasant Steps at night. Probably some pictures of them on the Sunday when Sarah90 came back with them. You would probably have company in persuading me Belford at 9pm is a good idea :D:D:D
Well I shall worry about this one tonight.

One vote for Friday night, one for Saturday night and 5 for Sunday so far :D:D

I wasn't planning a day trip this weekend, let me think
200 have to say sorry about my brash comments last night !! After too many beers don't always put things as one should !! We are ok in most lanes done fine hollingsclough etc many times so would love to go up north with you guys n enjoy you hsoitality then if course repay the favour with trip found the peaks and share some of them hidden gens cheers mark


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Haha not fair! I need motivation I've abandoned it and am currently having another coffee break!!

LOL, ask nrgserv :D

He challenged me to fit my winch bumper on my own at home. I couldn't even lift the dammed thing. Managed to fit it with three out of the four bolt, actually any three, just never four.

I accepted defeat after 3 days and Neil finished it in 5 minutes :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

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