no pictures tonight, yer'll have to wait for the morrow!
big thanks to all the painters, slue, rob and josh, for making all the new steel a nice shade of red oxide.
Well Neils Disco is almost finished :D

I have some pics of the team working on it, but they are on my phone and its too late to load them now.

Will have to sort out next weekends trip now.

So who want to go, I still dont know where but its time we had another trip :D
Well Neils Disco is almost finished :D

I have some pics of the team working on it, but they are on my phone and its too late to load them now.

Will have to sort out next weekends trip now.

So who want to go, I still dont know where but its time we had another trip :D

who put you in charge..;):rolleyes::behindsofa:

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