yer might wanna point out that those who need to sit on the ****ter, that they need one of those things that goes over the mouth of someone that needs artificial respiration....

Bit of kimwipe laid down on it before you sit and it'll be reet! ;)
There's going to be a few ppl around tomorrow night - anyone care to spare an hour(ish) with their landy to help me move some wardrobes? I've bought two together - a double and single - the guy hasn't given me measurements (have asked) so not confident I can fit them both in my wagon. He's asked me to meet him at his place around 6pm. There might be some fish and chips and a few beers in it for ya too - if you can help sing out or flick me a PM, cheers!
Don't think I can Phil - my rear axle may not be located properly for a while whilst it's on the 4 post lift :eek: Unless it gets to later on in the evening... :)
Glad to see the humor has not gone lol

Been a mental few weeks and worse to come over the festive period :(
Found yet another use for all the spares and stuff in the back of the Landy.

Dammed blacksmith has put a nail in the sensitive part of poor Tillys hoof, she is hopping lame.

Managed to poultice her hoof with just a piece of animalintex and the contents of my spares box. Poor thing now has a hoof wrapped in bags which held spares padded with baby wipes and the whole lot stuck on with a roll of duct tape :eek::eek::eek::eek:
Found yet another use for all the spares and stuff in the back of the Landy.

Dammed blacksmith has put a nail in the sensitive part of poor Tillys hoof, she is hopping lame.

Managed to poultice her hoof with just a piece of animalintex and the contents of my spares box. Poor thing now has a hoof wrapped in bags which held spares padded with baby wipes and the whole lot stuck on with a roll of duct tape :eek::eek::eek::eek:

Poor oss!!! hope she is ok!
Poor oss!!! hope she is ok!

Hope so, if not will get the vet tomorrow. Poultice usually gets the pus out, if not they will cut into the foot to try to burst it, nasty :eek:

Was supposed to clip my friends horse, on vets instructions as it has mites. Didn't have time so thats a job for someone else or me at the weekend.

And I will be stuck with The Beast in the stable tomorrow as she wont stay in the field without Tilly. Wasn't a problem when I had three :(:(. And she will then need walking around the yard and you need a death wish to want to do that :eek::eek::eek::eek:
And she will then need walking around the yard and you need a death wish to want to do that :eek::eek::eek::eek:

See, as much as I think horses are lovely animals, I do like to know where the accelerator and brake are ;) :D :D

Touch wood, we've not had to poultice any of Bella's feet. :lalala: :lalala:
No worries, thanks for the info. Setting off imminently so see everyone there. :cool:

EDIT get me on the mobile if needs be, ta!
Thanks guys and girls for the brew and banter though brandy dropped a steamer in ya garage

lol weren't the first and pretty sure it wont be the last :eek:

twas a good night, and nice to catch up with you an sue.

now for a :beer2::D
Was indeed a good night. Nice to meet some new faces, well new to me anyway ;)

No more sloppy Watts Linkage AND new rear diff pinion oil seal too! :cool: :cool: :cool:

Hope the hand's OK nrg after subjecting it to the old medieval boiling-oil-from-the-ramparts method (in this case, boiling oil from the area in front of the flange after heating it).

Amazing what a difference replacing two small bushes makes, no more clunks from the back axle as the Disco rocks over potholes.
Nice one! Glad it was sorted and worth all the time on the hoist. Was fun route planning with sue and zip, in between the spontaneous slideshows from zip ;-)

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