You're very welcome, Sue!

OK Here's the pics I took on Saturday:

"..can play well with certain smaller cars..."

To be read in a David Attenborough voice: " deepest Yorkshire.... we see a small family.. of easily-spotted Green Lanerites. These peaceful creatures are happiest traversing ancient byways. You can see the way the adult Lanerites "shepherd" the youngling, front and back, offering it protection and support on what might be it's first proper outing. Soon.... the youngling..will leave the family unit and... will begin... to mark its own territory.."

Weather was pretty good and we met some walkers on the route. Don't think they could believe seeing a Panda 4x4 :D

I'm sure Scar House has got worse!

Don't know about Fiat Panda - more like Kung Fu Panda! GO ANDY! What a capable little machine! :tea: Sue didn't make it up there, and I chickened out due to not wanting to slam the Disco into a rock rut if she slid ;) :p
Great pics Diff :D

The Panda was fantastic. How embarrassing not to get up that. Due probably to me forgetting it was only in low box not diff lock :D

I might have gone up with more speed but I didn't want to have to be recovered by the Panda PMSL
Here's Sunday's pics. It was a good learning experience for me too, going in and out of ruts, getting stuck in ruts, getting winched back out of ruts, going down a really scratchy rarely-used lane with a lethal junction onto a fast main road. Disturbing a bunch of wasps which then buzzed about Sue's Landy. :eek: SORRY! I must have run over/dislodged a small nest of the buggers :fighting:

I don't know the names, but we were in the Ingleton area and ended up somewhere near Kirby Lonsdale. :(

A nice civilised green lane, with tarmac and everything..


Even more civilised - an Ice Cream van! :tea: :cool:


Strong evidence of green lanes being green!


Ooh, a ford. (Not the ice-cream-selling Transit type ;) )


Hills & walls & stuff



Ruts ahead - on the dead end route which may/should have lead to Yorda's cave.

Not stuck...yet!


Getting stuck :D

NONE SHALL PASS! (or re-pass)

Nature keyed my Disco!:fighting: :fencing:

There really is a lane through here

Only very small ruts down here :p

Thanks to everyone for making another enjoyable day out. :cool:
Yet again another very educational day at the work, many thanks Neil...I am sure somethings are sinking now :D :D

lol, ya know when you've spent too much time on faceache, when you look for the "like" icon on a post like this :D

twas a good night with an unexpected twist :D anybody capture any pics?
Nice to see everyone at the meet last night :D

I hate facebook :mad:

slightly drunken comment, but I much prefer the navigation on lz to searching the new posts chucked into old posts on faceache.

and yeah, was a good do last night, even tho I got drunker than normal.

and had to endure your driving again.

ta. :)
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I hate facebook :mad:

slightly drunken comment, but I much prefer the navigation on lz to searching the new posts chucked into old posts on faceache.

and yeah, was a good do last night, even tho I got drunker than normal.

and had to endure your driving again.

ta. :)

Bloody cheek :D

Would you rather have driven and had no Guinness

It can be arranged next time, then I can have a drink :D:D

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