I decided to take a day off from laning yesterday as I didn't want to break the Landy before Wales next weekend, it was also the only day I had spare to do all the "boring stuff" that "normal people" apparently do every weekend.

- "Drunken purchase cheap Subaru" taken to Bradford to have new wheel bearings fitted, had to get a bus & a train home which reminded me why I don't normally use public transport.

- Rest of the fleet washed (think it's the first time I've washed the company car this year, got a bollocking when I showed up to a meeting in it still covered in road salt from the winter)

- Cut the lawns (bit of an epic task as there's about 1.5 acres to do)

- Went to the tip (reminded me of why I don't normally do this, spent about half an hour sat in queue watching people trying to reverse small "garden rubbish trailers" who probably shouldn't even have a driving licence)

Anyway, I've decided I don't like "normal" so think I'll go back to laning and drinking :D

As the rules say "pics or it didn't happen" - here's a bit of "mower porn" below on the front lawn.

:eek::eek: You should get a medal

Why didn't you say, would have given you a lift home, we didn't go laning till 1.30

You can get back to normal on Friday then :D:D
:eek::eek: You should get a medal

Why didn't you say, would have given you a lift home, we didn't go laning till 1.30

You can get back to normal on Friday then :D:D

There was a very specific reason I didn't ask ....... (Mainly that the temptation to "ride shotgun" on the laning trip would have been overwhelming, as would beer drinking afterwards, which would have meant none of the above would have happened and I would have now been nursing a sore head)
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More pics from yesterday





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Oh dear. Broken the bracket at the top of a shocker on one side and the spring had come out of the other side. Not such a gentle trip after sll
Oh dear. Broken the bracket at the top of a shocker on one side and the spring had come out of the other side. Not such a gentle trip after sll

Which bracket sue if it's the one that holds the shock on I may have one.
just seen ya birthday thread, happy belated birthday john :D

kinda ****ed that I didn't get and birthday greetings :(

cheers neil,it would have gone unnoticed but a certain twunt from sheff whom you have met.got it off facebook and posted it on here.:(;).when was your birthday then bud??

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