No idea of the address but will PM directions

Thanks Sue shouldn't have a problem with that, I have a little knowledge of the area....

have you got your power stearing belt....

I should be able to return your much valued spares for your shocker, after today I have bought replacements for front and back :D
Just been chatting to Pete about our bikers and 4x4 trip in July.

Only those with a sense of humour should put their names down :D:D

So far its bikes, Landys and a Panda. With Deadmans, Scar House, Belford and the lane with the tree roots from the video on the route :D:D:D
sort of:D

got your pm, i was i a rush reading, you said you couldnt do this weekend, i thought "i'll reply later"


incoming pm;)

Roger that.....cheers Neil
Not to worry....are you still expecting a large turn out still?
Probably get over about lunch....:)
Me and Dave are sat outside the workshop waiting patiently ...i have milk and biscuits:D

see you later whoever is coming!
Just been chatting to Pete about our bikers and 4x4 trip in July.

Only those with a sense of humour should put their names down :D:D

So far its bikes, Landys and a Panda. With Deadmans, Scar House, Belford and the lane with the tree roots from the video on the route :D:D:D

:eek::eek: this is already an epic trip...not even happened yet:D:D
Dave wanting attention again.
A very late night last night :D:D

Workshop, pub and then Neils house for curry and Land Rover shopping for NomadUK :D:D:D
crap time then shop time.
finish off from yesterday, set of radius arm and panhard rod booshes to swap.
and sue needs to swap a pulley.
Thank you all for the advise. Sues advice and copied all the information from the original listing / pictures. So I don't have as many problems. One thing I did notice. It has dislocation cones and 2 in lift kit with emu upgrade. That may be fun lol

Already shopping for bits and I don't even have it yet lol.
Trip planned for next Sunday to the Land Rover Spring Adventure Show near Harrogate

We are all meeting and going in convoy.

Not decided where from or what time yet though :D:D:D:D

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