:attention: Me too...just popped on to see if anythings happening this weekend:D

Neil is currently fixing his broken Landy, Zip will be fixing HIS broken Landy at the weekend. Mine isn't broken.

Apart from that I have no idea :eek::D:D:D:D:D
I'm here also lol but I'm at work so only get a quick browse now and then :) good pics them sue, where did you go laning over weekend? Still need to do my props before going laning, there stuck solid though! Gonna have to take it to garage to get them fitted:(
Neil is currently fixing his broken Landy, Zip will be fixing HIS broken Landy at the weekend. Mine isn't broken.

Apart from that I have no idea :eek::D:D:D:D:D

What's happening to all the landys:eek::eek::eek:

Dave isn't broken touch wood:cool:....fancy a tootle out for the afternoon Saturday or Sunday? I haven't got any plans this weekend and don't want to be sat indoors:D
I'm here also lol but I'm at work so only get a quick browse now and then :) good pics them sue, where did you go laning over weekend? Still need to do my props before going laning, there stuck solid though! Gonna have to take it to garage to get them fitted:(

Do you mean you cant get them off?
Yep! Last bolt stuck solid been oiling them daily for a week but still won't budge not even with the lump hammer:eek:
I'd rather pay someone for the hassle of removing them lol

I guess you've tried a nice long breaker bar? Stupid q. probably lol!
I am close by and could offer my help ....but I don't have one, I usually borrow neils :p
if it one near diff warm it up ,but keep away from diff oil seal .or split the nut if poss last ones always the worst lol, keep at it
I guess you've tried a nice long breaker bar? Stupid q. probably lol!
I am close by and could offer my help ....but I don't have one, I usually borrow neils :p

Cheers for the offer, tried breaker bar already to no avail, not really any room to get in at it to cut if off :(
I've persevered but no joy, fed up lol
Sick of driving the car now
Cheers for the offer, tried breaker bar already to no avail, not really any room to get in at it to cut if off :(
I've persevered but no joy, fed up lol
Sick of driving the car now

I can understand being sick of fixing it, but sick of DRIVING it :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

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